SSEN DFES 2024 – stakeholder consultation webinar

Southern Central England
Monday 7th October
10:00 – 11:30
We invited you to join Regen and Scottish and Southern Electricity Networks (SSEN) to discuss the 2024 edition of the Distribution Future Energy Scenarios (DFES) analysis. We held two online events – one for the Southern Central England licence area and another for the North of Scotland licence area – and were keen to hear your views on the future of the electricity system in your area.
What happened
These events were a chance to dive into the future of SSEN’s electricity distribution network in your area. We explored and discussed the current locations and projected deployment of energy generation technologies, the adoption of low carbon demand technologies and the future of flexibility.
Your input is crucial as we validate and improve the assumptions that sit behind our analytical models to ensure that the forecasts for your area reflect your local plans, net zero ambitions and insights. These forecasts enable a better understanding of how the demand on the network is likely to change over time and form a key input into SSEN’s future network investment plans.
What could you expect?
- Technology projections: Early results from our 2024 analysis that illustrate the potential growth of key technologies in your area.
- Interactive polling: Share your thoughts and see instant feedback.
- Q&A session: Get your questions answered in real-time.
The interactive polling and Q&A session in these webinars will enable us to gather your local and technical insights about the growth of key electricity generation, storage and demand technologies in your area.
In these sessions, we also covered:
- An introduction to SSEN and their network planning process and tools.
- Outline our approach to the DFES analysis.
- Test the assumptions that govern key technology models within DFES.
- Seek your input and insights on the local and regional characteristics that will inform the uptake and deployment of innovative technologies.
Slides SSEN DFES Southern Central England WebinarWatch the recording
If you have any questions about our work in this area, please contact Christine Chapter