Department of Energy and Climate Change (DECC) commissioned Regen to produce two sets of best practice guidance for onshore wind developments: on community engagement and on community benefits.

The guidance draws on Regen’s extensive expertise in this space from our communities programme and our arts and energy programme.

Project duration: Jan 2014 to March 2014

Good community engagement can help to make developments locally appropriate and provide the foundations of positive long term relationships between the host community and those involved in the development. The guidance illustrates the benefits of creative engagement and how techniques can be used to achieve wider participation at each phase of a project’s life.  It highlights some exemplary practice from those working in renewable energy, including our very own Communities for Renewables CIC and South West Water.

Community Benefits from Onshore Wind Developments: Best Practice Guidance for England

DECC commissioned Regen to set out best practice regarding how community benefit funds can be applied. The guidance sets out a number of questions for developers, communities and local authorities to consider at each stage of the development process. It also highlights interesting case studies, including some south west examples: Wadebridge Renewable Energy Network as a community with a plan, and Good Energy’s local electricity discount scheme at Delabole wind farm.

Led by: Cheryl Hiles


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