Accelerating Clean British Power
In this short paper, we set out the actions needed from the new Labour government in its first 100 days in order to drive forward its clean power mission.
Roadmap to RESP: Unlocking local ambition
This paper, sponsored by SSEN, sets out new thinking on the role of Regional Energy Strategic Planners and how processes today, such as network and local area energy planning, can…
Lessons from EnergyREV: The role of smart local energy systems in a net zero future
Regen was commissioned by the University of Strathclyde to synthesise the huge body of research conducted in the EnergyREV programme and identify key recommendations and next steps for delivering smart…
Wind-powered Heat: Powering clean heat with clean energy to cut costs and emissions
This report for climate charity Possible explores the potential for new community onshore wind projects to unlock part of the puzzle of making clean, local heat cheaper and therefore more…
Ensuring Local Energy Benefits People and Communities
This report shares insights from a People’s Panel conducted by Regen and Shared Future CIC, with funding support from Scottish Government.
Welsh Government to publish Just Transition framework
This year, the Welsh Government is aiming to develop a framework for a Just Transition.  We welcome the opportunity to contribute their Call for Evidence. At Regen, we are placing…
Delivering local benefit from offshore renewables: working towards a new model for community benefit and local ownership
7 December 2022
Energy Networks Innovation Strategy
Regen has been commissioned by ENA to revise and refresh the Energy Networks Innovation Strategy to ensure that network innovation continues to be coordinated, focused on the key priorities for…

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