Regen’s priorities for the Onshore Wind Industry Taskforce
In this short paper, we set out Regen’s priorities for the Onshore Wind Industry Taskforce
Accelerating Clean British Power
In this short paper, we set out the actions needed from the new Labour government in its first 100 days in order to drive forward its clean power mission.
A progressive market reform agenda for the GB electricity system
Our latest insight paper sets out an agenda for an efficient GB electricity market that increases low-carbon investment and delivers consumer value.
REMA briefing note for communities and local authorities
As part of our work for National Grid Electricity Distribution to support the community energy sector, we have created a guide for community organisations and local authorities on the topic of…
Ensuring Local Energy Benefits People and Communities
This report shares insights from a People’s Panel conducted by Regen and Shared Future CIC, with funding support from Scottish Government.
REMA Insight Paper: Improving locational signals in the GB electricity markets
In Regen’s latest insight paper, our markets team provides a broader view of how locational signals operate today and how they could be enhanced, reformed and refined to meet the…
REMA Insight Paper: Capacity Market reform
In this insight paper, director Johnny Gowdy and project manager Ellie Brundrett explore the development of the current Capacity Market design, its evolution to date, and the role it should…
Regen’s REMA Consultation Response October 2022
Read the full response submitted by Regen for the BEIS Review of Electricity Market Arrangements consultation. Later this week we will publish a summary of key takeaway points from our…
Wild Texas Wind: Regen Insight Paper on Locational Marginal Pricing
A look at Locational Marginal Pricing (LMP) in the US, focusing on Texas, to better understand the potential implications of an LMP based market design for GB net zero investment.…

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