
20 October 2016

As the new Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy (BEIS) settles in, we thought members would be interested in our take on the emerging priorities. There will be a chance to engage with them directly at Renewable Futures and Green Energy Awards on 29th November in Bath.

New department
Essentially we are in week two of the life of BEIS. Since the new department was formed, the summer break and party conference season has meant that normal operation of the department and ministerial decisions have effectively been on hold. This has created something of a logjam in policy, with the Hinkley decision being about the only announcement made so far. We do expect this to change in the coming monnths, and you are likely to see more policy briefings from us in November and December.

Smart power
Taking forward the National Infrastructure Commission’s Smart Power report seems to be a high priority. We expect Greg Clarke to personally launch BEIS’ long awaited call for evidence, possibly in first half of November. The key points in the consultation have been trailed and include: the regulatory definition of storage and how it can ‘stack’ revenue streams; and reviewing network charging.

Subsequently I am pleased to say we have agreed with BEIS to run a workshop on the call for evidence as part of our Renewable Futures conference

A full version of this article is available to members.

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Author: (Merlin Hyman)

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