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This was a series of three webinars exploring questions around the just transition, including issues and opportunities across the energy system. We held separate sessions to dig into the details of each of these themes – markets, innovation and infrastructure – and set out the key questions and actions required to secure a fairer net zero future.

Fairer futures 1: How can energy markets support a just net zero transition?
This took place on Wednesday 17 January, 10-11am

The panel discussion explored how energy markets can be a catalyst for a just transition. From innovative services and supply models to support those most at risk of exclusion, to how and why we deliver regulation today, we explored the potential of market reform in delivering a fairer energy system that works for people and planet alike.

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Fairer futures 2: Innovating for a just transition
Took place Tuesday 20 February 10-11am

This session explored innovation happening across the energy sector to deliver a fair and inclusive net zero transition, and what is needed to unlock this on a wider scale. We discussed key justice issues around the energy innovation process, how (and to what end) innovation is funded and delivered in the UK currently, and how we can better innovate to deliver more just outcomes overall.

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Fairer futures 3: How can we support a just net zero transition in energy infrastructure?
Wednesday 6 March,

As we ramp up efforts to get UK energy networks net zero-ready, how we deliver new energy infrastructure and upgrades is a key just transition issue. This session delved into the current landscape of energy infrastructure planning, engagement, investment and delivery, to understand how principles of fairness or just transition feature today, unpack key questions around how decarbonisation of the grid may impact different people and places, and identify opportunities to go further in future.


Across these sessions, we identified key emerging questions of fairness and justice within each of these sectors, and how to ensure that the future energy system is shaped from the ground up to truly leave no-one behind.


March 6
10:00 am - 11:00 am

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