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This forum with Western Power Distribution (WPD) is for community energy organisations, climate action groups, local authorities and any people or organisations across South Wales who want to help their local area to decarbonise energy and achieve net zero, whatever stage you are at on the journey.

At our first in-person forum since the pandemic, you will have the chance to network with other community energy organisations, hear inspiring examples of work leading community energy groups are doing and find out how WPD is supporting communities to reach net zero. You can also ask local energy experts about their projects, and discuss topics that interest you in interactive workshops.

In order to keep us all safe, we ask that you take a lateral flow or PCR test 24 hours before the event, and the venue will have the QR code on display if you wish to check in using the NHS Covid app.

Watch the recording here: https://youtu.be/3t6IhFM5ndM

View the agenda – English | Cymraeg



9th June 2022
12:00 pm - 4:00 pm


Butetown Community Centre
Loudoun Square
Cardiff, CF10 5JA United Kingdom
+ Google Map

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