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Tuesday 13 July

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We are working with UK Power Networks, The Open Data Institute, ODI Leeds and Opendatasoft on Enabling Open Energy Data. Through the project, UK Power Networks will accelerate the delivery of its open data services and help lead the energy sector; supporting cross-sector action that helps drive towards net zero carbon emissions.

The energy sector is undergoing a revolution driven by decarbonisation, decentralisation, rapid advances in technology and the emergence of new business models. Data is intrinsic to this revolution.” Energy Data Taskforce, 2019. 

The electricity networks hold extensive data on our energy system and have begun the process of opening it up to access for all. Already many organisations are using this data: from companies identifying the best sites to connect low carbon technologies to local authorities planning strategically to meet net zero ambitions. 

UK Power Networks has taken a lead and made a commitment in its Digitalisation Strategy to open up increasingly reliable and usable data. UK Power Networks would like to create a collaborative community of interested people to shape and develop their data offering. 

We heard from UK Power Networks about their ambitions and how you can get involved. 

Logos Together


13th July 2021
10:00 am - 11:30 pm



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