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UK Power Networks: Open Data and Net Zero Planning Webinar MicrosoftTeams Image

Thursday 15 June 
10:00 – 11:00 

UK Power Networks and fellow local authorities from across London, South East and East of England to discussed how data can unlock and enable your local area energy plans.

The next few years will be critical for local authorities to create the plans that will help achieve their net zero ambitions. As the network operator, UK Power Network is working support the local authorities in its area with net zero planning and wider decarbonisation strategy.

UK Power Network has made a wealth of data available to help local authorities build their plans to reach net zero. With over 150 data sets available, this webinar will help you understand how to access and use this data for the benefit of the communities you serve.

The webinar:

  • Introduced and explored local area energy planning (LAEP) and UK Power Networks’ LAEP open data pages
  • Showcased how local authorities are already using the data sets
  • Discussed how UK Power Network can iterate and improve the data to meet your needs.
  • Previewed the next steps for the open data.


15th June 2023
10:00 am - 11:00 am



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