The Devon Community Energy Impact Report provides an insight into community energy activity in Devon, and was delivered in partnership with Devon County Council and the 23 community energy organisations in the county. We collected data for the report using phone interviews and an online survey co-designed with local energy organisations.

The report found:

  • There are more community energy organisations in Devon than any other county in the UK (23).
  • These organisations run 62 community owned renewable projects, which have generated 17,431 MWh of clean green energy, saving 6,080 tonnes of CO2 emissions and helping 2,717 homes to save on energy bills and increase their energy efficiency.
  • The 12.3 MW of capacity installed by community energy groups represents 1.3 per cent of the total renewable electricity installed in Devon.
  • Community energy organisations in Devon have raised £14.1 million of investment, enabling them to create 33 FTE jobs.

This report shows how Devon is taking a leading role in the UK’s community energy revolution, and demonstrates the environmental, economic and social benefits that community energy projects are delivering locally.

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