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Tuesday 3 November

11:00 – 13:00

We are delighted to announce that we will be launching the next round of EWiRE’s mentoring programme on 3 November 2020. Register for our virtual mentor-matching meet-up here.

The EWiRE mentoring programme has been hugely popular and running since 2015. In this coming round, EWiRE will be partnering with Innovate UK to increase the female representation in their funded projects through mentoring.

A key tool for the mentoring programme is LinkedIn – we don’t use CVs or lists of previous experience. We ask that both mentors and mentees make sure their profiles are up-to-date and reflect their best work before attending the first session.

The EWiRE mentoring process begins with a match-making event. Prospective mentors and mentees have the opportunity to meet during a ‘speed dating’ style session. The mentees meet all of the mentors: they have three minutes to introduce themselves and outline their interests, as well as the areas they would like to develop in. At the end of the session, the mentees and mentors feedback to us on the chemistry and we pair them. Once matched, the mentoring relationship usually lasts up to 12 months.

The feedback from mentees is that this ‘speed-dating’ process in itself very insightful, allowing them to refine their aims and expectations as the session progresses.

Mentoring has many benefits such as supporting women to enhance their potential through career choices and working practices, develop their strategic and financial acumen, and build their professional networks and profile. It matches the experience of one person with the potential of another, building personal and strong bonds with senior women and men across the sector. 

You can download the mentoring guide here for further information about the programme.

The initiative feeds into EWiRE’s wider 2020 objectives to increase the visibility and profile of women working in the clean energy sector, and to support network participants to develop the skills to enable them to take positions on boards and in senior management across the sector. 

Please feel free to recommend the programme to anyone you think would benefit from being a mentee and/or mentor. We welcome female mentees, and both male and female mentors. Read more about EWiRE and the mentoring programme here.

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3rd November 2020
11:00 am - 1:00 pm

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