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Tuesday 10 March 


Agenda: Decarbonisation Of Heat Webinar

Click here to view the paper

View the webinar below on YouTube.

The paper is part of Regen’s “Decade to Make a Difference” series, examining the radical step-changes that are needed to deliver transformative change across the energy system and to put us on the path to a net zero future.

This paper calls on policymakers to act now to shift heat onto the right route to meet our 2050 net zero obligation. Action in the next year is key to the UK meeting its carbon targets, and we cannot wait to have all the answers.

Key areas that the paper identifies where policies are needed to drive investment include:

• Decarbonisation plans for buildings, addressing fabric and low carbon heating solutions such as heat pumps and heat networks.
• Investment in low carbon power generation and flexibility to enable a greater role for electrification of heat
• Clarity in the gas network price controls on investment to enable decarbonising the gas grid.

The webinar provided an opportunity to hear about the key findings of the paper and debate with influential stakeholders across the energy, heat and buildings sector, to find the right path for the decarbonisation of heat.

We heard from:

  • Liz Kitchen, policy lead – heat strategy, Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy
  • Nathan Wyatt, senior policy advisor, National Infrastructure Commission
  • Chris Clarke, energy strategy director, Wales & West Utilities
  • Maxine Frerk, director, Grid Edge Policy
  • Tim German, government and regulator relations, Energy Systems Catapult
  • Johnny Gowdy, director, Regen
  • Mark Howard, project manager, Regen

The paper has been sponsored by Wales and West Utilities.

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10th March 2020
10:00 am - 1:00 pm

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