Project duration: 2019 – 2020

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Throughout 2020, Regen will be publishing a series of thought provoking papers looking at the challenges and solutions that would deliver the transformations needed to counter climate change. Regen is looking to partner with leading organisations that are willing to sponsor or co-sponsor individual papers or indeed the whole series.

The progress made to decarbonise the UK power sector since 2010 is a great example of how the alignment of government policy, investment and industry can deliver new renewable energy solutions at scale. Important steps have been taken but, in truth, we are still walking in the foothills of energy transformation. The biggest challenges to achieve full decarbonisation across all energy vectors – power, heat and transport – have yet to be met and if anything, progress has begun to falter over the past three years.

Faced with the need to achieve both rapid and dramatic change, the energy industry is being asked to rise to the decarbonisation challenge. The big question is whether the industry will be able to do this? And if so, what new technologies, policies and business models will be required to enable radical change?

So far Regen has identified five potential papers that we would like to develop:

Paper A The decarbonisation of heat – published and available here
Paper B We’ve got the power: re-energising investment in renewable electricity
Paper C Transport: the revolution is coming
Paper D Energy efficiency: transforming the way we use energy
Paper E Local leadership to transform our energy system – published and available here

As with previous market insight papers, Regen will partner with leading organisations that are willing to sponsor or co-sponsor individual papers or indeed the whole series.

SSEN Wales And West Utilities

Sponsorship packages

– Series sponsor £60k + VAT
– Headline paper sponsor £20k + VAT
– Co-sponsor £10k + VAT

Our events throughout 2020 will showcase the papers and sponsors. In addition, we will feature the papers at many of our and third-party events throughout the year.

To find out more about our Decade to make a Difference series, contact Rachel Hayes, head of networks and development at


People on this project

Johnny Gowdy
Johnny is a director of Regen and leads the development of our advisory projects,…
Rachel Hayes
Associate director
Rachel leads Regen’s strategic partnerships and impact, ensuring we are plugged into key networks…
Hazel Williams
Associate director
Hazel is responsible for Regen’s project delivery, leading on resourcing, quality assurance and developing…

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