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Ask anyone involved in sustainable energy what the biggest challenge they face is and the chances are they will cite the grid. The Government, Ofgem, the Electricity System Operator and the Network Operators have all set out plans to deliver the investment to support net zero. But is it enough? And what really needs to happen at each level of the electricity system?

Regen is working with MCS Charitable Foundation to demystify the challenge of upgrading the grid to achieve the UK’s decarbonisation and energy security goals.

The project:

The project involves a study of existing evidence including some of Regen’s own analyses. The final output is expected to be a short briefing paper launching in May 2023.

The project team:

Project manager: Frank Hodgson

Project director: Merlin Hyman

People on this project

Frank Hodgson
Senior Energy Analyst
Frank joined Regen in 2022 as a Senior Energy Analyst and co-leads Regen's transport…
Merlin Hyman
Chief Executive
Merlin leads Regen’s mission to accelerate the transition to a zero-carbon energy system. Under…

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