The Climate Change Committee has indicated that a fourfold increase in renewable generation deployment will be needed to meet net zero by 2050. This generation will be needed at all scales, from transmission to lower voltages.

Local authorities, cities and regions have a key role in the development of renewable generation as planning authorities. However, they can also play a more direct role as landowners, developers or purchasers of power in enabling renewable energy project development.

Front Cover (2)

Regen has produced a guide for local authorities to bring together the latest thinking on how local authorities can support new renewable development in their areas.

The guide covers the pros and cons of existing direct ownership, private wires and sleeving as well as exploring some emerging models including local Contracts for Difference, sleeving pools and local electricity tariffs.

Download a copy.

We will be launching the guide at an event on 17 November – click below for more details and to register your place.

Local authorities and new renewables: launch event

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