On behalf of Cornwall Council, Regen is working on the development of an energy storage solution at the Aerohub site in Newquay, Cornwall (UK). The prospectus and expression of interest outlines an exciting opportunity to work with an innovative Council to develop an energy storage system. This location offers several opportunities and options for the development of innovative storage solutions, co-located with solar PV generation and demand customers from the Aerohub.

As part of our ongoing work in energy storage we have been working closely with Cornwall Council. In late 2017 Regen completed a high-level feasibility study with Carnegie Clean Energy . The analysis focused on value that could be created within the Aerohub site through the efficient use of energy storage co-located with solar generation and on-site demand. The study showed that there was value from increasing onsite usage of renewable generation and avoiding peak prices. However, it also showed that additional revenue and/or cost reduction would be needed to enable a viable business in the current market. Cornwall Council understands that this conclusion is consistent with other energy storage co-location studies that have been completed. Therefore, the Council is interested in investigating, with potential development partners, whether additional revenues streams can be accessed to create a viable business case.

Cornwall Council is seeking responses from development partners to help deliver, and potentially co-invest in, an energy storage project that can take advantage of these opportunities.

To register your interest, complete the questions in the EoI (section B) and email ofrankland@regen.co.uk by 17/09/18.

Aerohub Prospectus

Aerohub Logo Block

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