Are you looking for funding for your community energy organisation? Are you based in the North East, Yorkshire and Humber, or Northern Lincolnshire?


Applications are now closed.


We have a total of £50,000 available for amazing new and existing community energy organisations and climate action groups in the North East, Yorkshire and Humber, and Northern Lincolnshire.

This opportunity runs from 22 April to 15 July 2024, so don’t miss out on this chance to make a positive change in your community!

The fund aims to help community energy organisations start up, build capacity or explore feasibility of new energy projects.

If your group operates within Northern Powergrid’s geographical area, you could be eligible for a grant of up to £10,000! Check out the guidance document below for a list of eligible project types and regions.

You can also download a copy of the guidance here and view this year’s application questions beforehand here.


To be eligible for this fund you must meet the following requirements:

  • You are a volunteer-led group, a registered charity, community benefit society, community interest company or a not-for-profit organisation with charitable aims.
  • You have a formal constitution and a bank account with at least two signatories.
  • You are run by local people with clear local benefits to the project and demonstrable community links.
  • You have an organisation income of less than £100,000 in the most recent financial year.
  • You are based in and have the majority of your beneficiaries within Northern Powergrid’s geographical area of the North East of England, Yorkshire and Humber, and Northern Lincolnshire.

2022 fund awardees

In 2022, we awarded grants to nine community groups for projects, including community-owned solar PV and energy advice services. Below we highlight two of the groups that received funding.

York Community Energy

Amount received: £7,560


York Community Energy (YCE) is a social enterprise which aims to reduce York’s carbon emissions by both saving energy and generating community-owned renewable energy.

York Community Energy

York Community Energy: Using new thermal imaging camera

The project

The project aimed to integrate YCE’s retrofit and fuel poverty services under the umbrella of York Energy Advice, creating a One Stop Shop for retrofit in York. The funding was used to develop a business plan and initiate its implementation.

As part of YCE’s retrofit and fuel poverty service development, it procured a new professional Customer Relationship Management (CRM) software to track client interactions. It also procured a new thermal imaging camera to conduct paid thermal imaging assessments for retrofit clients (used 27 times). Clients have been positive about this service and have benefited from understanding where heat is being lost from their home.

YCE used funding for staff costs to expand York Energy Advice, receiving 74 retrofit enquiries and conducting 34 retrofit assessments. The service has been well received by clients, who whilst able and willing to pay for retrofit works on their homes, have previously lacked reliable information on the subject. A post-assessment hand-holding service and video consultation were attempted but had limited success. The Net Zero Community Energy Fund, along with other sources, allowed YCE to support 304 vulnerable households facing high energy costs.

YCE now has a more rounded and comprehensive energy/retrofit advice service for York residents. It will use its business plan and the lessons learned throughout this project to continue to grow and develop its service. It has been successful in various funding bids to keep the service running beyond this project and has forged stronger links with City of York Council, which has opened up new opportunities.

York Community Energy 2

“Thanks to the funding, we have been able to purchase a thermal imaging camera to carry out heat loss surveys with, as well as provide energy advice and install energy-saving measures for people in fuel poverty.”

– Tom, York Community Energy

Grimsby Community Energy

Amount received: £9,463


Grimsby Community Energy (GCE) is a cooperative, run by members who are dedicated to bringing community energy projects to their local area. It currently operates solar PV in multiple locations and is looking to expand.

Grimsby Community Energy

Grimsby Community Energy: T-shirts for share offer promotion

The project

The Net Zero Community Energy Fund supported the launch of GCE’s fourth community share offer, seeking to raise £314,000 for six installations of solar PV with a total capacity of 436kW. The funding enabled GCE to develop the share offer, launch the promotional campaign and begin processing the share offer applications. Two interns from a local college were taken on to support this work.

The funding provided the organisation with essential capacity required to undertake the administration and communication associated with the development, promotion and launch of the share offer. This included launching a multi-platform promotional campaign via social media, a launch event, networking events, radio, press, TV and leafleting.

The interns gained experience in developing and promoting a share offer, bookkeeping, processing share applications, social media communications and video creation. They are now better informed on climate change, community energy, renewables and small business administration.

Involving interns supports the continued diversification of the community energy sector, bringing in younger people and perspectives. The two interns successfully completed their placements and GCE reports that it has gained a reputation as a good provider of placements.

The activities funded by the Net Zero Community Energy fund have, to date, delivered 30 share applications totalling £165,050. When the 436kW of solar PV capacity is installed, it will save approximately 60.5 tonnes of carbon per year. Over the 25-year lifespan of the installations, the host organisations will save an estimated £300,000. The project has put GCE in a position to apply for larger and longer-term funds that will see it through 2024 and its fifth share offer.

Grimsby Community Energy 2

Grimsby Community Energy: Share offer promotion material

Find out more about all of our 2022 fund awardees and their projects here.


2023 Fund Awardees

In 2023, we awarded grants to eight community groups. They have all started their projects ranging from a hydroelectric feasibility study to creating a new Energy Local group.

We can’t wait to see the innovative projects that will be funded this year!


Let’s create a cleaner, more sustainable future together!

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If you have any queries about the project, we’re here to help. Come along to one of our Community Energy Forums in Yorkshire and Northern Lincolnshire on 3 July or the North East on 4 July 2024 to find out more or ask any questions send us an email.

To stay up to date with recent community energy news don’t forget to sign up for Regen’s Community Energy newsletter here.

People on this project

George Middlemiss
Local Energy Analyst
George is a local energy analyst who plays a key role in supporting Regen’s…
Shona R
Energy Analyst
Shona is an energy analyst who joined Regen in September 2022 after completing her…
Hazel Williams
Associate Director
Hazel is responsible for Regen’s project delivery, leading on resourcing, quality assurance and developing…

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