Project REACH – Rural Energy and Community Heat – was awarded funding through Round 3 of Ofgem’s Strategic Innovation Fund (SIF) and was delivered by National Grid Electricty Distribution, Regen, Smart Grid Consultancy, Kensa Utilities and VEPod.

Project duration: March 2024 – May 2024

Project leads: Rebecca Ford, Head of demand and felxibility, and George Middlemiss, Net Zero Project Manager

The Strategic Innovation Fund is Ofgems mechanism for encouraging innovation in electricity networks. Regen was part of a consortium bid for Round 3 of this fund, under the theme of ‘Whole system network planning and utilisation to facilitate faster and cheaper network transformation and asset rollout’.


Rural areas face unique challenges on their journey to decarbonization. One of those challenges is the difficulty in installing the required low carbon technologies such as heat pumps and EV chargers. The low voltage cables in many rural areas may be unable to handle the additional loads placed on them by increased electrification and therefore require costly upgrades before these communities are able to connect these technologies.  

The aim of REACH was to explore whether novel and modular solutions could provide a way for rural communities to achieve their decarbonization objectives.  

Regens role: 

Regen was primarily responsible for the community engagement aspect of this project. We supported the project partners to learn more about the rural communities and ultimately seek to identify a handful of communities that could be suitable trial locations.  

The outcome: 

Overall we engaged with over 70 community stakeholders in National Grids electricity distribution region through our launch event and had over 80 expressions of interest. Following a more detailed expression of interest and selection process, we were able to select seven communities that could be suitable trial locations.  

What next: 

In the Alpha phase we would look to conduct feasibility studies for the novel and modular solutions to decarbonization in the selected rural communities. In addition, we would look to create an options assessment that would make it easier for a community to self-identify that the REACH solution is the best option for them to achieve their decarbonization objectives.  

People on this project

Mollie Atherton
Mollie Atherton
Local authorities project manager
Mollie leads Regen’s work with local authorities and is committed to accelerating change at…
Andrew Brand
Andrew Brand
Graduate energy analyst
Andrew is interested in the complexities of energy systems and how they can be…
Robbie Evans
Robbie Evans
Energy analyst
Robbie primarily works in our community energy and just transition team, but over almost…
Rebecca Ford
Rebecca Ford
Rebecca was formerly Head of Demand and Flexibility at Regen and now contributes to…
Olly Frankland
Olly Frankland
Electricity Storage Network lead
Olly leads the Electricity Storage Network, the industry group and voice for the grid-scale…
Rachel Hayes
Rachel Hayes
Associate director
Rachel leads Regen’s strategic partnerships and impact, ensuring we are plugged into key networks…
Jessica Hogan
Jessica Hogan
Energy analyst
Jessica joined Regen as an Energy Analyst in April 2024. Her research specialises in…
Tamsyn Lonsdale-Smith
Tamsyn Lonsdale-Smith
Senior energy analyst
Tamsyn is a senior energy analyst interested in all things people and digital. She…
Poppy Maltby
Poppy Maltby
Head of local energy
Poppy is Head of Local Energy at Regen. She is leading our work to…
George Middlemiss
George Middlemiss
Local energy analyst
George is a local energy analyst who plays a key role in supporting Regen’s…
Grace Millman
Grace Millman
Senior energy analyst
Grace delivers high-quality research, analysis and energy insight as part of Regen's Distribution Future…
Shona R
Shona R
Energy analyst
Shona is an energy analyst who joined Regen in September 2022 after completing her…
Alex Robertson
Alex Robertson
Local net zero project manager
Alex delivers Regen's support of net zero at the local level, ensuring that place…
Hannah Stanley
Hannah Stanley
Stakeholder manager
Hannah first joined Regen in 2017 quickly becoming the events manager and leading the…
Fraser Stewart
Fraser Stewart
Just transition lead
Fraser is driving work on energy justice and just transitions at Regen. From a…
Prina Sumaria
Prina Sumaria
Net zero project manager
Prina specialises in local energy and just transition issues. She leads Regen's work supporting…
Felicity Vivian
Felicity Vivian
Local net zero coordinator
Felicity provides support for the Thriving Places Programme an exciting two-year programme in which…
Hazel Williams
Hazel Williams
Associate director
Hazel is responsible for Regen’s project delivery, leading on resourcing, quality assurance and developing…
Rebecca Windemer
Rebecca Windemer
Planning and communities lead
Rebecca leads our work on planning at Regen. She holds a PhD in environmental…

Hebrides and Orkney – Future Load Growth Investigation

Regen has been working with Scottish and Southern Electricity Networks (SSEN) to collate evidence on the future electricity load growth on the Outer Hebrides, Inner Hebrides and Orkney. This work will help SSEN to better understand what investment is needed in the islands’ electricity networks, including the subsea cables that connect them to the mainland.


Project duration: October 2023 – February 2024

Project lead: Becky Fowell, Energy Market Analyst 

Within their RIIO-ED2 business plan, Scottish and Southern Electricity Networks (SSEN) identified the need to replace or strategically reinforce 15 subsea cables that currently connect various Scottish islands to the mainland. Funding for these cables is being explored through SSENs Hebrides and Orkney Whole System Uncertainty Mechanism (HOWSUM) programme of work, which is being assessed across 2024 and 2025.

The evidence cases for these island groups builds on Regen’s ongoing work to deliver SSEN’s annual Distribution Future Energy Scenarios (DFES) assessments for their North of Scotland licence area. They also build on a similar load growth assessment that Regen completed for the Isle of Wight, in SSEN’s Southern England licence area.

The evidence cases provide a summary of the existing electricity network and existing network constraints, alongside a summary of the potential future electricity load growth out to 2050, categorised by:

  • Distributed electricity generation (and relevant transmission-connected projects)
  • Electricity flexibility technologies (battery storage and hydrogen)
  • Electrified transport
  • Electrified heat
  • New property developments

The work also provides insight into additional sources of future electricity load from industries that are not currently included within the DFES technology scope, such as:

  • Maritime (ferries and fishing vessels) and aviation decarbonisation
  • Significant commercial industries (i.e. whisky distilleries, agriculture, aquaculture)

This study is intended to support SSEN to identify future electricity needs across these Scottish Island groups. This will inform the network investment requirements to enable future uptake of renewable generation and low carbon technologies across the islands, allowing for both net zero and security of supply within the island groups.

SSEN have recently published documentations related to their HOWSUM (Hebrides and Orkney Whole System Uncertainty Mechanism) application on their website.

The evidence cases that Regen has provided for each island group can be found below.

Website OH Wording              Website Ork Wording                  Website IH Wording


People on this project

Ray Arrell
Ray Arrell
Associate director
Ray is part of the Regen leadership team, overseeing our work and strategic goals…
Mollie Atherton
Mollie Atherton
Local authorities project manager
Mollie leads Regen’s work with local authorities and is committed to accelerating change at…
Gareth Miller
Gareth Miller
Gareth has over two decades of director-level experience across infrastructure project finance, energy policy,…
Bruce Bardsley
Bruce Bardsley
Bruce is an Associate of Regen. He has assisted the data analytics team in…
Tamar Bourne
Tamar Bourne
Head of innovation
Tamar is the head of innovation at Regen. She strives to be at the…
Andrew Brand
Andrew Brand
Graduate energy analyst
Andrew is interested in the complexities of energy systems and how they can be…
Ellie Brundrett
Ellie Brundrett
Net zero project manager
Since joining Regen in 2021, Ellie has been responsible for delivering some of our…
Jo Butlin
Jo Butlin
Non-Executive Director
Jo brings deep market knowledge and Board experience to support strategic and operational development…
Christine Chapter
Christine Chapter
Head of delivery
Christine is Regen's Head of Delivery. She was previously at National Grid Electricity Transmission…
Robbie Evans
Robbie Evans
Energy analyst
Robbie primarily works in our community energy and just transition team, but over almost…
Rebecca Ford
Rebecca Ford
Rebecca was formerly Head of Demand and Flexibility at Regen and now contributes to…
Becky Fowell
Becky Fowell
Project manager
As a project manager, Becky works with data, visualisation tools and continuous stakeholder engagement…
Olly Frankland
Olly Frankland
Electricity Storage Network lead
Olly leads the Electricity Storage Network, the industry group and voice for the grid-scale…
Maxine Frerk
Maxine Frerk
Maxine has a strong regulatory background after 15 years in Ofgem including as Senior…
Simon Gill
Simon Gill
Simon is a Regen associate, providing a wealth of experience to support our analytical…
Johnny Gowdy
Johnny Gowdy
Johnny is a director of Regen and leads the development of our advisory projects,…
Rachel Hayes
Rachel Hayes
Associate director
Rachel leads Regen’s strategic partnerships and impact, ensuring we are plugged into key networks…
Jonty Haynes
Jonty Haynes
Principal analyst
Jonty is a Principal Analyst at Regen delivering a range of technical support services,…
Holly Hoban
Holly Hoban
Graduate energy analyst
Holly supports analysts on a variety of projects and developing new expertise across Regen’s…
Frank Hodgson
Frank Hodgson
Senior energy analyst
Frank leads analytical projects at Regen, focusing on breaking down the barriers to electrification. Frank…
Jessica Hogan
Jessica Hogan
Energy analyst
Jessica joined Regen as an Energy Analyst in April 2024. Her research specialises in…
Merlin Hyman
Merlin Hyman
Chief executive
Merlin leads Regen’s mission to accelerate the transition to a zero-carbon energy system. Under…
Tamsyn Lonsdale-Smith
Tamsyn Lonsdale-Smith
Senior energy analyst
Tamsyn is a senior energy analyst interested in all things people and digital. She…
Poppy Maltby
Poppy Maltby
Head of local energy
Poppy is Head of Local Energy at Regen. She is leading our work to…
George Middlemiss
George Middlemiss
Local energy analyst
George is a local energy analyst who plays a key role in supporting Regen’s…
Grace Millman
Grace Millman
Senior energy analyst
Grace delivers high-quality research, analysis and energy insight as part of Regen's Distribution Future…
Meagan Reasoner
Meagan Reasoner
Energy analyst
Meagan is a energy analyst who joined the Regen team in September of 2022…
Shona R
Shona R
Energy analyst
Shona is an energy analyst who joined Regen in September 2022 after completing her…
Alex Robertson
Alex Robertson
Local net zero project manager
Alex delivers Regen's support of net zero at the local level, ensuring that place…
Hannah Stanley
Hannah Stanley
Stakeholder manager
Hannah first joined Regen in 2017 quickly becoming the events manager and leading the…
Fraser Stewart
Fraser Stewart
Just transition lead
Fraser is driving work on energy justice and just transitions at Regen. From a…
Prina Sumaria
Prina Sumaria
Net zero project manager
Prina specialises in local energy and just transition issues. She leads Regen's work supporting…
Patti S
Patti S
Senior energy analyst
Patti is one of Regen's senior energy analysts, working to deliver high quality data…
Alex Temple
Alex Temple
Policy analyst
Alex works on energy policy including for the Electricity Storage Network, the industry group…
Joel Venn
Joel Venn
Head analyst
As head analyst, Joel is responsible for leading and developing Regen’s analytical team, as…
Felicity Vivian
Felicity Vivian
Local net zero coordinator
Felicity provides support for the Thriving Places Programme an exciting two-year programme in which…
Charlotte Wason
Charlotte Wason
Graduate energy analyst
Charlotte is a Graduate Energy Analyst, having previously spent time as a summer intern…
Sophie Whinney
Sophie Whinney
Senior energy analyst
Sophie has a masters in Engineering Design from the University of Bristol, where she…
Hazel Williams
Hazel Williams
Associate director
Hazel is responsible for Regen’s project delivery, leading on resourcing, quality assurance and developing…
Rebecca Windemer
Rebecca Windemer
Planning and communities lead
Rebecca leads our work on planning at Regen. She holds a PhD in environmental…

In partnership with Northern Powergrid, Regen provides support to local energy stakeholders in the North East, Yorkshire and Northern Lincolnshire.

Project manager: George Middlemiss

The community energy sector in Northern Powergrid’s region has seen significant developments in the past decade, with a number of key organisations delivering impactful projects and professionalising their organisations, in addition to countless enthusiastic smaller groups continuing to chip away at addressing energy issues in their local area.

Northern Powergrid committed to supporting the sector in 2019, following the publication of its first Community Energy Engagement Strategy. The strategy was developed following consultation of community energy representatives in the region and comprises 26 commitments to community and local energy organisations, from keeping communities informed via a quarterly newsletter to increased face-to-face engagement via a programme of events.

Regen supported the development of this strategy and has worked with Northern Powergrid since then, to help it deliver on those 26 commitments through the Community Energy Engagement Programme. This includes in-person forums, online training sessions, quarterly newsletters and the Net Zero Community Energy Fund. Recordings of the online training sessions can be found here.

The 2024 Community Energy Engagement Programme:


If you have any questions about the programme, or would like to be involved, please reach out to George Middlemiss.

You can learn more about Northern Powergrid and its work supporting community energy here.

If you want to hear more about community energy, consider signing up to Regen’s monthly community energy newsletter here.

People on this project

Mollie Atherton
Mollie Atherton
Local authorities project manager
Mollie leads Regen’s work with local authorities and is committed to accelerating change at…
Robbie Evans
Robbie Evans
Energy analyst
Robbie primarily works in our community energy and just transition team, but over almost…
Rebecca Ford
Rebecca Ford
Rebecca was formerly Head of Demand and Flexibility at Regen and now contributes to…
Olly Frankland
Olly Frankland
Electricity Storage Network lead
Olly leads the Electricity Storage Network, the industry group and voice for the grid-scale…
Rachel Hayes
Rachel Hayes
Associate director
Rachel leads Regen’s strategic partnerships and impact, ensuring we are plugged into key networks…
Jessica Hogan
Jessica Hogan
Energy analyst
Jessica joined Regen as an Energy Analyst in April 2024. Her research specialises in…
Poppy Maltby
Poppy Maltby
Head of local energy
Poppy is Head of Local Energy at Regen. She is leading our work to…
George Middlemiss
George Middlemiss
Local energy analyst
George is a local energy analyst who plays a key role in supporting Regen’s…
Shona R
Shona R
Energy analyst
Shona is an energy analyst who joined Regen in September 2022 after completing her…
Alex Robertson
Alex Robertson
Local net zero project manager
Alex delivers Regen's support of net zero at the local level, ensuring that place…
Hannah Stanley
Hannah Stanley
Stakeholder manager
Hannah first joined Regen in 2017 quickly becoming the events manager and leading the…
Fraser Stewart
Fraser Stewart
Just transition lead
Fraser is driving work on energy justice and just transitions at Regen. From a…
Prina Sumaria
Prina Sumaria
Net zero project manager
Prina specialises in local energy and just transition issues. She leads Regen's work supporting…
Felicity Vivian
Felicity Vivian
Local net zero coordinator
Felicity provides support for the Thriving Places Programme an exciting two-year programme in which…
Hazel Williams
Hazel Williams
Associate director
Hazel is responsible for Regen’s project delivery, leading on resourcing, quality assurance and developing…
Rebecca Windemer
Rebecca Windemer
Planning and communities lead
Rebecca leads our work on planning at Regen. She holds a PhD in environmental…

The Devon Community Energy Network (DCEN) is network of community energy stakeholders in Devon and the South West, bringing together community energy organisations, local authorities, businesses and other interested individuals and organisations.  

The network meets quarterly to discuss emerging issues, share key updates and collaborate. One of the four meetings is the Spring Gathering. This event is an annual institution and provides a key opportunity for the network to pause, check in on their struggles and successes, regroup and look for new areas to collaborate. 

Regen supports DCEN by providing administrative resources to support the smooth running of the quarterly meetings and shared Google Group. When needed, Regen has helped to organise and run the annual Spring Gathering, most recently in 2023 

Regen’s work with DCEN fed into the Power Allotments project with Devon Energy Collective. Power Allotments aimed to engage and encourage communities and individuals across Devon to identify a five-acre space in their local area for a biodiverse community-owned renewable power project. 

Regen also supported early development of the community energy sector in Devon via the three-year, Esmée Fairbairn Foundation-funded Community Energy Accelerator programme. The programme involved running a network of over 250 community energy organisations and providing one-on-one technical and engagement support to 32 communities. This played an instrumental role in establishing Devon’s community energy sector and the creation of the network. 

Regen’s ongoing support for DCEN is funded by Devon County Council.  

The network is always open to new members – find out more on its website here. 

If you want to hear more about community energy, consider signing up to our community energy newsletter here. 

People on this project

Mollie Atherton
Mollie Atherton
Local authorities project manager
Mollie leads Regen’s work with local authorities and is committed to accelerating change at…
Robbie Evans
Robbie Evans
Energy analyst
Robbie primarily works in our community energy and just transition team, but over almost…
Rebecca Ford
Rebecca Ford
Rebecca was formerly Head of Demand and Flexibility at Regen and now contributes to…
Olly Frankland
Olly Frankland
Electricity Storage Network lead
Olly leads the Electricity Storage Network, the industry group and voice for the grid-scale…
Rachel Hayes
Rachel Hayes
Associate director
Rachel leads Regen’s strategic partnerships and impact, ensuring we are plugged into key networks…
Jessica Hogan
Jessica Hogan
Energy analyst
Jessica joined Regen as an Energy Analyst in April 2024. Her research specialises in…
Poppy Maltby
Poppy Maltby
Head of local energy
Poppy is Head of Local Energy at Regen. She is leading our work to…
George Middlemiss
George Middlemiss
Local energy analyst
George is a local energy analyst who plays a key role in supporting Regen’s…
Shona R
Shona R
Energy analyst
Shona is an energy analyst who joined Regen in September 2022 after completing her…
Alex Robertson
Alex Robertson
Local net zero project manager
Alex delivers Regen's support of net zero at the local level, ensuring that place…
Hannah Stanley
Hannah Stanley
Stakeholder manager
Hannah first joined Regen in 2017 quickly becoming the events manager and leading the…
Fraser Stewart
Fraser Stewart
Just transition lead
Fraser is driving work on energy justice and just transitions at Regen. From a…
Prina Sumaria
Prina Sumaria
Net zero project manager
Prina specialises in local energy and just transition issues. She leads Regen's work supporting…
Felicity Vivian
Felicity Vivian
Local net zero coordinator
Felicity provides support for the Thriving Places Programme an exciting two-year programme in which…
Hazel Williams
Hazel Williams
Associate director
Hazel is responsible for Regen’s project delivery, leading on resourcing, quality assurance and developing…
Rebecca Windemer
Rebecca Windemer
Planning and communities lead
Rebecca leads our work on planning at Regen. She holds a PhD in environmental…

Regen worked with climate charity Possible and Community Energy England to explore the viability of combining community wind schemes with electrified heating technology to improve the affordability of energy bills, creating a replicable pathway to end reliance on gas.

Project duration: July 2023 – February 2024

Project manager: Jack Adkins

Project manager:Poppy Maltby

Regen Possible Cee Horiz

Last year, the number of households in fuel poverty in England stood at 3.17 million (13%) and the fuel poverty gap was an average of £417 per household. One of the main recommendations from the Committee on Fuel Poverty’s (CFP) Annual Report 2023 was to deliver “a fair transition to net zero that does not increase fuel poverty”, by seeking to “deploy low-carbon technologies at least cost, best payback” as part of an Energy Affordability Strategy. In this context, onshore wind emerges as a pivotal player, offering a sustainable and cost-effective solution in achieving the CFP’s recommendation while working towards a decarbonised future.

Regen worked with Community Energy England in supporting UK climate charity Possible to explore how low-carbon electric heat technology, such as heat pumps installed in the community or heat networks, powered by locally owned wind could provide affordable, secure energy and a replicable pathway to end reliance on gas while cutting costs and supporting communities.

This project involved:

  • Analysing the high-level costs, savings and payback period of different model wind+heat schemes
  • Highlighting areas where energy poverty could be tackled by a community wind+heat scheme, including off-gas grid communities
  • Exploring the benefits and challenges for communities looking to develop a community wind scheme
  • Identifying potential partners for a wind+heat innovation trial
  • Assessing the barriers and producing policy recommendations to enable future wind+heat schemes.

The resulting report, Wind-powered Heat: Powering clean heat with clean energy to cut costs and emissions, can be downloaded here.

People on this project

Mollie Atherton
Mollie Atherton
Local authorities project manager
Mollie leads Regen’s work with local authorities and is committed to accelerating change at…
Tim Crook
Tim Crook
Senior project manager
Tim is a mechanical engineer with a broad range of experience in onshore heat…
Robbie Evans
Robbie Evans
Energy analyst
Robbie primarily works in our community energy and just transition team, but over almost…
Rebecca Ford
Rebecca Ford
Rebecca was formerly Head of Demand and Flexibility at Regen and now contributes to…
Olly Frankland
Olly Frankland
Electricity Storage Network lead
Olly leads the Electricity Storage Network, the industry group and voice for the grid-scale…
Simon Gill
Simon Gill
Simon is a Regen associate, providing a wealth of experience to support our analytical…
Rachel Hayes
Rachel Hayes
Associate director
Rachel leads Regen’s strategic partnerships and impact, ensuring we are plugged into key networks…
Jonty Haynes
Jonty Haynes
Principal analyst
Jonty is a Principal Analyst at Regen delivering a range of technical support services,…
Jessica Hogan
Jessica Hogan
Energy analyst
Jessica joined Regen as an Energy Analyst in April 2024. Her research specialises in…
Ian Hutchcroft
Ian Hutchcroft
Ian is a strategic Programme Director and senior Sustainability Consultant with over 25 years’…
Tamsyn Lonsdale-Smith
Tamsyn Lonsdale-Smith
Senior energy analyst
Tamsyn is a senior energy analyst interested in all things people and digital. She…
Poppy Maltby
Poppy Maltby
Head of local energy
Poppy is Head of Local Energy at Regen. She is leading our work to…
George Middlemiss
George Middlemiss
Local energy analyst
George is a local energy analyst who plays a key role in supporting Regen’s…
Grace Millman
Grace Millman
Senior energy analyst
Grace delivers high-quality research, analysis and energy insight as part of Regen's Distribution Future…
Shona R
Shona R
Energy analyst
Shona is an energy analyst who joined Regen in September 2022 after completing her…
Alex Robertson
Alex Robertson
Local net zero project manager
Alex delivers Regen's support of net zero at the local level, ensuring that place…
Hannah Stanley
Hannah Stanley
Stakeholder manager
Hannah first joined Regen in 2017 quickly becoming the events manager and leading the…
Fraser Stewart
Fraser Stewart
Just transition lead
Fraser is driving work on energy justice and just transitions at Regen. From a…
Prina Sumaria
Prina Sumaria
Net zero project manager
Prina specialises in local energy and just transition issues. She leads Regen's work supporting…
Patti S
Patti S
Senior energy analyst
Patti is one of Regen's senior energy analysts, working to deliver high quality data…
Felicity Vivian
Felicity Vivian
Local net zero coordinator
Felicity provides support for the Thriving Places Programme an exciting two-year programme in which…
Sophie Whinney
Sophie Whinney
Senior energy analyst
Sophie has a masters in Engineering Design from the University of Bristol, where she…
Hazel Williams
Hazel Williams
Associate director
Hazel is responsible for Regen’s project delivery, leading on resourcing, quality assurance and developing…
Rebecca Windemer
Rebecca Windemer
Planning and communities lead
Rebecca leads our work on planning at Regen. She holds a PhD in environmental…

Somerset Council commissioned Regen to develop a county-wide energy plan that would forge a roadmap to achieving its Climate Emergency Strategy objectives. It would identify investment projects and establish an evidence base for future partnerships and funding opportunities as well as set out how the council might work with community energy organisations, the private sector and other stakeholders to invest and grow renewable energy in Somerset.

Project duration: May 2023 – March 2024

Project lead: Tamsyn Lonsdale-Smith, Senior Energy Analyst

The Somerset Energy Investment Plan covers all of the geographic area of Somerset and addresses the Somerset Climate Emergency Strategy’s commitment to develop an energy strategy, which follows three key objectives:

  • To decarbonise local authorities and the wider public estates and reduce our carbon footprint.
  • To work towards making Somerset a carbon-neutral county by 2030.
  • To create a county that is prepared for, and resilient to, the impacts of climate change.

The project involved several work packages, including a GIS database of renewable energy opportunities, an assessment of the Somerset energy system and associated emissions, and analysis of council-owned assets and locally owned renewable generation to benchmark against targets.

The second phase was to deliver an energy roadmap to reach net zero carbon goals out to 2030, 2040 and 2050. A review of policy commitments informed the development of a strategic low-carbon energy pathway that utilises local opportunity to reduce emissions in line with the council’s ambitious goals.

The project also included an economic benefits assessment that identifies investment projects and an evidence base for future partnerships and funding opportunities.

The final report was published at the end of March 2024.

People on this project

Ray Arrell
Ray Arrell
Associate director
Ray is part of the Regen leadership team, overseeing our work and strategic goals…
Mollie Atherton
Mollie Atherton
Local authorities project manager
Mollie leads Regen’s work with local authorities and is committed to accelerating change at…
Gareth Miller
Gareth Miller
Gareth has over two decades of director-level experience across infrastructure project finance, energy policy,…
Bruce Bardsley
Bruce Bardsley
Bruce is an Associate of Regen. He has assisted the data analytics team in…
Robbie Evans
Robbie Evans
Energy analyst
Robbie primarily works in our community energy and just transition team, but over almost…
Rebecca Ford
Rebecca Ford
Rebecca was formerly Head of Demand and Flexibility at Regen and now contributes to…
Olly Frankland
Olly Frankland
Electricity Storage Network lead
Olly leads the Electricity Storage Network, the industry group and voice for the grid-scale…
Johnny Gowdy
Johnny Gowdy
Johnny is a director of Regen and leads the development of our advisory projects,…
Rachel Hayes
Rachel Hayes
Associate director
Rachel leads Regen’s strategic partnerships and impact, ensuring we are plugged into key networks…
Jonty Haynes
Jonty Haynes
Principal analyst
Jonty is a Principal Analyst at Regen delivering a range of technical support services,…
Jessica Hogan
Jessica Hogan
Energy analyst
Jessica joined Regen as an Energy Analyst in April 2024. Her research specialises in…
Tamsyn Lonsdale-Smith
Tamsyn Lonsdale-Smith
Senior energy analyst
Tamsyn is a senior energy analyst interested in all things people and digital. She…
Poppy Maltby
Poppy Maltby
Head of local energy
Poppy is Head of Local Energy at Regen. She is leading our work to…
George Middlemiss
George Middlemiss
Local energy analyst
George is a local energy analyst who plays a key role in supporting Regen’s…
Grace Millman
Grace Millman
Senior energy analyst
Grace delivers high-quality research, analysis and energy insight as part of Regen's Distribution Future…
Meagan Reasoner
Meagan Reasoner
Energy analyst
Meagan is a energy analyst who joined the Regen team in September of 2022…
Shona R
Shona R
Energy analyst
Shona is an energy analyst who joined Regen in September 2022 after completing her…
Alex Robertson
Alex Robertson
Local net zero project manager
Alex delivers Regen's support of net zero at the local level, ensuring that place…
Hannah Stanley
Hannah Stanley
Stakeholder manager
Hannah first joined Regen in 2017 quickly becoming the events manager and leading the…
Fraser Stewart
Fraser Stewart
Just transition lead
Fraser is driving work on energy justice and just transitions at Regen. From a…
Prina Sumaria
Prina Sumaria
Net zero project manager
Prina specialises in local energy and just transition issues. She leads Regen's work supporting…
Patti S
Patti S
Senior energy analyst
Patti is one of Regen's senior energy analysts, working to deliver high quality data…
Joel Venn
Joel Venn
Head analyst
As head analyst, Joel is responsible for leading and developing Regen’s analytical team, as…
Felicity Vivian
Felicity Vivian
Local net zero coordinator
Felicity provides support for the Thriving Places Programme an exciting two-year programme in which…
Sophie Whinney
Sophie Whinney
Senior energy analyst
Sophie has a masters in Engineering Design from the University of Bristol, where she…
Hazel Williams
Hazel Williams
Associate director
Hazel is responsible for Regen’s project delivery, leading on resourcing, quality assurance and developing…
Rebecca Windemer
Rebecca Windemer
Planning and communities lead
Rebecca leads our work on planning at Regen. She holds a PhD in environmental…

The Power Allotments, Devon project was set up by Regen and the Devon Energy Collective to engage and encourage communities and individuals across Devon to identify a 5 acre space in their local area for a biodiverse community-owned renewable power project.

Over the course of 12 months to April 2023, funded by Devon County Council, community-minded people concerned about climate change came together and, using the mapping tools and guidance provided by the Power Allotments project, put forward potential generation projects.

In total, 73 sites were submitted and examined for a variety of factors such as site orientation, road access, network connection and environmental and heritage impacts. Part of this process also involved engaging key stakeholders for information and advice. The outcome was a top list of 15 sites that were visited in person and of these, seven that were selected as high priority development opportunities.

The project concluded that although many local people have both the enthusiasm and the knowledge needed to find suitable power generation sites, there are significant hurdles to overcome before new community owned energy projects at this scale can be built. Current market conditions mean that project installation and finance costs heavily outweigh the expected long-term income from power sales, making the standard business model unviable. Difficulties with network connections also block project development. This is because of a highly constrained network in the region, costly export limitations and long delays and high costs due to planned infrastructure upgrades. More work is required to find an alternative route to market which may require legislative changes to government policy, changes to the way these types of projects are treated by the network operator or innovation around local supply models, virtual power sales or corporate partnerships.

Ultimately, community energy needs more support to help get projects off the ground and into the hands of local people.


Read more about what we learnt in our Final Report found below and here.



Supported by Team Devon’s COVID-19 Economic Recovery and Business Prospectus Funding.

People on this project

Mollie Atherton
Mollie Atherton
Local authorities project manager
Mollie leads Regen’s work with local authorities and is committed to accelerating change at…
Robbie Evans
Robbie Evans
Energy analyst
Robbie primarily works in our community energy and just transition team, but over almost…
Rebecca Ford
Rebecca Ford
Rebecca was formerly Head of Demand and Flexibility at Regen and now contributes to…
Olly Frankland
Olly Frankland
Electricity Storage Network lead
Olly leads the Electricity Storage Network, the industry group and voice for the grid-scale…
Rachel Hayes
Rachel Hayes
Associate director
Rachel leads Regen’s strategic partnerships and impact, ensuring we are plugged into key networks…
Jessica Hogan
Jessica Hogan
Energy analyst
Jessica joined Regen as an Energy Analyst in April 2024. Her research specialises in…
Poppy Maltby
Poppy Maltby
Head of local energy
Poppy is Head of Local Energy at Regen. She is leading our work to…
George Middlemiss
George Middlemiss
Local energy analyst
George is a local energy analyst who plays a key role in supporting Regen’s…
Shona R
Shona R
Energy analyst
Shona is an energy analyst who joined Regen in September 2022 after completing her…
Alex Robertson
Alex Robertson
Local net zero project manager
Alex delivers Regen's support of net zero at the local level, ensuring that place…
Hannah Stanley
Hannah Stanley
Stakeholder manager
Hannah first joined Regen in 2017 quickly becoming the events manager and leading the…
Fraser Stewart
Fraser Stewart
Just transition lead
Fraser is driving work on energy justice and just transitions at Regen. From a…
Prina Sumaria
Prina Sumaria
Net zero project manager
Prina specialises in local energy and just transition issues. She leads Regen's work supporting…
Felicity Vivian
Felicity Vivian
Local net zero coordinator
Felicity provides support for the Thriving Places Programme an exciting two-year programme in which…
Hazel Williams
Hazel Williams
Associate director
Hazel is responsible for Regen’s project delivery, leading on resourcing, quality assurance and developing…
Rebecca Windemer
Rebecca Windemer
Planning and communities lead
Rebecca leads our work on planning at Regen. She holds a PhD in environmental…

Planning Regional Infrastructure in a Digital Environment, or PRIDE, is a Strategic Innovation Fund project being run by a consortium of partners including Regen, the West Midlands Combined Authority, Advanced Infrastructure, National Grid Electricity Distribution and National Grid ESO.

Exploring new digital planning tools, governance and processes, the PRIDE project aims to improve how local planning and network investment decisions are made to fast-track the infrastructure and low-carbon technology deployment at a regional level to deliver net zero.

The PRIDE project is at the Alpha stage of the SIF process. In this stage it will be exploring three key elements:

  • LAEP+ tool: Deploying and testing the functionality of a digital tool to help local authorities plan net zero and share that planning information with energy networks in a data-driven and consistent way.
  • Governance structure: Testing how the LAEP+ tool works within a governance structure of local authorities, energy networks and regional infrastructure providers to inform decision making and provide democratic accountability for net zero planning at a local and regional level.
  • Regional Energy Strategic Planning: Testing how the learnings from the tool development and governance structure could inform and feed into the wider framework of a future Regional Energy Strategic Planner (RESP).

The project follows on from the Discovery phase, in which Regen supported the West Midlands Combined Authority to engage with local authorities about how a digital planning tool could help improve local energy planning processes and what data and functionality they would like to see in such a tool. The Alpha phase will run from October 2023 until March 2024, at which point Regen and the consortium partners will submit a bid for the final Beta phase to continue to explore the governance system and how learnings can contribute to the development of the RESP.

For further information on the project, please contact Mollie Atherton.


People on this project

Mollie Atherton
Mollie Atherton
Local authorities project manager
Mollie leads Regen’s work with local authorities and is committed to accelerating change at…
Andrew Brand
Andrew Brand
Graduate energy analyst
Andrew is interested in the complexities of energy systems and how they can be…
Robbie Evans
Robbie Evans
Energy analyst
Robbie primarily works in our community energy and just transition team, but over almost…
Rebecca Ford
Rebecca Ford
Rebecca was formerly Head of Demand and Flexibility at Regen and now contributes to…
Olly Frankland
Olly Frankland
Electricity Storage Network lead
Olly leads the Electricity Storage Network, the industry group and voice for the grid-scale…
Rachel Hayes
Rachel Hayes
Associate director
Rachel leads Regen’s strategic partnerships and impact, ensuring we are plugged into key networks…
Jessica Hogan
Jessica Hogan
Energy analyst
Jessica joined Regen as an Energy Analyst in April 2024. Her research specialises in…
Poppy Maltby
Poppy Maltby
Head of local energy
Poppy is Head of Local Energy at Regen. She is leading our work to…
George Middlemiss
George Middlemiss
Local energy analyst
George is a local energy analyst who plays a key role in supporting Regen’s…
Shona R
Shona R
Energy analyst
Shona is an energy analyst who joined Regen in September 2022 after completing her…
Alex Robertson
Alex Robertson
Local net zero project manager
Alex delivers Regen's support of net zero at the local level, ensuring that place…
Hannah Stanley
Hannah Stanley
Stakeholder manager
Hannah first joined Regen in 2017 quickly becoming the events manager and leading the…
Fraser Stewart
Fraser Stewart
Just transition lead
Fraser is driving work on energy justice and just transitions at Regen. From a…
Prina Sumaria
Prina Sumaria
Net zero project manager
Prina specialises in local energy and just transition issues. She leads Regen's work supporting…
Felicity Vivian
Felicity Vivian
Local net zero coordinator
Felicity provides support for the Thriving Places Programme an exciting two-year programme in which…
Hazel Williams
Hazel Williams
Associate director
Hazel is responsible for Regen’s project delivery, leading on resourcing, quality assurance and developing…
Rebecca Windemer
Rebecca Windemer
Planning and communities lead
Rebecca leads our work on planning at Regen. She holds a PhD in environmental…

Regen have been supporting the West Midlands Combined Authority (WMCA) with its Planning Regional Infrastructure in a Digital Environment (PRIDE) project.

Project duration: May– June 2023

Project lead: Mollie Atherton

PRIDE is a collaborative project between the WMCA, National Grid Electricity Distribution and Advanced Infrastructure. Its goal is to improve how local planning decisions can influence network investment to accelerate the deployment of low carbon technologies and decarbonise heat and transport.


This project explored how a whole systems digital planning tool could help local authorities develop flexible and lower cost local area energy plans, and a governance structure that would ensure those local area energy plans are embedded into network investment decisions. 

In our role, we delivered an in-person workshop and online webinar with the local authorities in the West Midlands Combined Authority region that explored:


·        The opportunities and challenges of local area energy planning.

·        How the whole systems digital planning tool could help local authorities develop local area energy plans.

·        Governance structures that provide a platform for better engagement between local authorities and energy networks.


It was important to us that local and regional needs were being considered throughout the project. We designed the workshops to provide a platform on which local authorities can share their challenges with project partners as well as other local authorities to encourage peer-to-peer learning and support. 

This project formed part of the Discovery phase of PRIDE, which finished in June 2023. We have supported the project partners submit the SIF funding bid for the next phase of the PRIDE project, during which we will join the consortium as a project partner and help continue to support the development of the whole systems planning tool and trial the governance structures with local authorities and infrastructure providers in the WMCA region. 

For further information on the project, please contact Mollie Atherton.


People on this project

Mollie Atherton
Mollie Atherton
Local authorities project manager
Mollie leads Regen’s work with local authorities and is committed to accelerating change at…
Andrew Brand
Andrew Brand
Graduate energy analyst
Andrew is interested in the complexities of energy systems and how they can be…
Robbie Evans
Robbie Evans
Energy analyst
Robbie primarily works in our community energy and just transition team, but over almost…
Rebecca Ford
Rebecca Ford
Rebecca was formerly Head of Demand and Flexibility at Regen and now contributes to…
Olly Frankland
Olly Frankland
Electricity Storage Network lead
Olly leads the Electricity Storage Network, the industry group and voice for the grid-scale…
Rachel Hayes
Rachel Hayes
Associate director
Rachel leads Regen’s strategic partnerships and impact, ensuring we are plugged into key networks…
Jessica Hogan
Jessica Hogan
Energy analyst
Jessica joined Regen as an Energy Analyst in April 2024. Her research specialises in…
Poppy Maltby
Poppy Maltby
Head of local energy
Poppy is Head of Local Energy at Regen. She is leading our work to…
George Middlemiss
George Middlemiss
Local energy analyst
George is a local energy analyst who plays a key role in supporting Regen’s…
Shona R
Shona R
Energy analyst
Shona is an energy analyst who joined Regen in September 2022 after completing her…
Alex Robertson
Alex Robertson
Local net zero project manager
Alex delivers Regen's support of net zero at the local level, ensuring that place…
Hannah Stanley
Hannah Stanley
Stakeholder manager
Hannah first joined Regen in 2017 quickly becoming the events manager and leading the…
Fraser Stewart
Fraser Stewart
Just transition lead
Fraser is driving work on energy justice and just transitions at Regen. From a…
Prina Sumaria
Prina Sumaria
Net zero project manager
Prina specialises in local energy and just transition issues. She leads Regen's work supporting…
Felicity Vivian
Felicity Vivian
Local net zero coordinator
Felicity provides support for the Thriving Places Programme an exciting two-year programme in which…
Hazel Williams
Hazel Williams
Associate director
Hazel is responsible for Regen’s project delivery, leading on resourcing, quality assurance and developing…
Rebecca Windemer
Rebecca Windemer
Planning and communities lead
Rebecca leads our work on planning at Regen. She holds a PhD in environmental…

Innovate UK are working with EY and Regen to conduct a review into how best to support local areas to deliver their net zero ambitions.

This project forms part of Prospering from the energy revolution (PFER) challenge, and the aims of this project are to:

  • Ensure local authorities are supported in the best way possible to plan for, and deliver, their net zero ambitions
  • Help both BEIS and Ofgem to develop a clearer position and support structure for local energy planning and delivery

The project involves a review of the existing decarbonisation and energy planning processes, with the aim to make these faster, cheaper, more agile and deliverable for local authorities.

Through the project we will also be working to achieve greater consistency, enabling regional and local activity to be aggregated into a national picture of local net zero plans and activity.

This project will be running until the end of March 2023.

As part of this work, we are keen to hear views about Local Area Energy Plans (LAEPs) or local decarbonisation pathway plans and how you feel these processes can best support local areas to accelerate the delivery of net zero

We created the survey to get feedback and evidence from stakeholders, both local and regional government, as well as wider stakeholders who are working closely with local areas. The survey closed on 11 November.

People on this project

Mollie Atherton
Mollie Atherton
Local authorities project manager
Mollie leads Regen’s work with local authorities and is committed to accelerating change at…
Robbie Evans
Robbie Evans
Energy analyst
Robbie primarily works in our community energy and just transition team, but over almost…
Rebecca Ford
Rebecca Ford
Rebecca was formerly Head of Demand and Flexibility at Regen and now contributes to…
Olly Frankland
Olly Frankland
Electricity Storage Network lead
Olly leads the Electricity Storage Network, the industry group and voice for the grid-scale…
Rachel Hayes
Rachel Hayes
Associate director
Rachel leads Regen’s strategic partnerships and impact, ensuring we are plugged into key networks…
Jessica Hogan
Jessica Hogan
Energy analyst
Jessica joined Regen as an Energy Analyst in April 2024. Her research specialises in…
Poppy Maltby
Poppy Maltby
Head of local energy
Poppy is Head of Local Energy at Regen. She is leading our work to…
George Middlemiss
George Middlemiss
Local energy analyst
George is a local energy analyst who plays a key role in supporting Regen’s…
Shona R
Shona R
Energy analyst
Shona is an energy analyst who joined Regen in September 2022 after completing her…
Alex Robertson
Alex Robertson
Local net zero project manager
Alex delivers Regen's support of net zero at the local level, ensuring that place…
Hannah Stanley
Hannah Stanley
Stakeholder manager
Hannah first joined Regen in 2017 quickly becoming the events manager and leading the…
Fraser Stewart
Fraser Stewart
Just transition lead
Fraser is driving work on energy justice and just transitions at Regen. From a…
Prina Sumaria
Prina Sumaria
Net zero project manager
Prina specialises in local energy and just transition issues. She leads Regen's work supporting…
Felicity Vivian
Felicity Vivian
Local net zero coordinator
Felicity provides support for the Thriving Places Programme an exciting two-year programme in which…
Hazel Williams
Hazel Williams
Associate director
Hazel is responsible for Regen’s project delivery, leading on resourcing, quality assurance and developing…
Rebecca Windemer
Rebecca Windemer
Planning and communities lead
Rebecca leads our work on planning at Regen. She holds a PhD in environmental…

Isle of Wight - Network Investment Study

Regen has worked with Scottish and Southern Electricity Networks (SSEN) and the Isle of Wight Council to develop a load growth evidence case to enable investment in the island’s electricity network.

Project duration: May 2022 – June 2023

Project lead: Ray Arrell, Head of Future Energy Systems

The study’s core output was to provide a written evidence case report, to support SSEN’s business plan application to Ofgem, to unlock additional investment in the electricity network supplying/on the Isle of Wight. This investment will unlock capacity to enable the Isle of Wight’s future growth/aspirations to expand renewable generation, low carbon technology adoption, electrification of other sources of demand and wider net-zero ambitions.

The study built on the analysis and granular future scenario projections that Regen produced for SSEN’s Southern England licence area, through the latest edition of their Distribution Future Energy Scenarios (DFES) assessment:

IoW Project Org Banner

In May 2023, Regen worked with Isle of Wight Council and SSEN to publish the summarising report for the electricity load growth analysis and evidence case for additional network investment:

IoW Report Cover

For further information on this project, please contact Ray Arrell, Head of Future Energy Systems,

People on this project

Ray Arrell
Ray Arrell
Associate director
Ray is part of the Regen leadership team, overseeing our work and strategic goals…
Mollie Atherton
Mollie Atherton
Local authorities project manager
Mollie leads Regen’s work with local authorities and is committed to accelerating change at…
Gareth Miller
Gareth Miller
Gareth has over two decades of director-level experience across infrastructure project finance, energy policy,…
Bruce Bardsley
Bruce Bardsley
Bruce is an Associate of Regen. He has assisted the data analytics team in…
Tamar Bourne
Tamar Bourne
Head of innovation
Tamar is the head of innovation at Regen. She strives to be at the…
Andrew Brand
Andrew Brand
Graduate energy analyst
Andrew is interested in the complexities of energy systems and how they can be…
Ellie Brundrett
Ellie Brundrett
Net zero project manager
Since joining Regen in 2021, Ellie has been responsible for delivering some of our…
Jo Butlin
Jo Butlin
Non-Executive Director
Jo brings deep market knowledge and Board experience to support strategic and operational development…
Christine Chapter
Christine Chapter
Head of delivery
Christine is Regen's Head of Delivery. She was previously at National Grid Electricity Transmission…
Robbie Evans
Robbie Evans
Energy analyst
Robbie primarily works in our community energy and just transition team, but over almost…
Rebecca Ford
Rebecca Ford
Rebecca was formerly Head of Demand and Flexibility at Regen and now contributes to…
Becky Fowell
Becky Fowell
Project manager
As a project manager, Becky works with data, visualisation tools and continuous stakeholder engagement…
Olly Frankland
Olly Frankland
Electricity Storage Network lead
Olly leads the Electricity Storage Network, the industry group and voice for the grid-scale…
Maxine Frerk
Maxine Frerk
Maxine has a strong regulatory background after 15 years in Ofgem including as Senior…
Simon Gill
Simon Gill
Simon is a Regen associate, providing a wealth of experience to support our analytical…
Johnny Gowdy
Johnny Gowdy
Johnny is a director of Regen and leads the development of our advisory projects,…
Rachel Hayes
Rachel Hayes
Associate director
Rachel leads Regen’s strategic partnerships and impact, ensuring we are plugged into key networks…
Jonty Haynes
Jonty Haynes
Principal analyst
Jonty is a Principal Analyst at Regen delivering a range of technical support services,…
Holly Hoban
Holly Hoban
Graduate energy analyst
Holly supports analysts on a variety of projects and developing new expertise across Regen’s…
Frank Hodgson
Frank Hodgson
Senior energy analyst
Frank leads analytical projects at Regen, focusing on breaking down the barriers to electrification. Frank…
Jessica Hogan
Jessica Hogan
Energy analyst
Jessica joined Regen as an Energy Analyst in April 2024. Her research specialises in…
Merlin Hyman
Merlin Hyman
Chief executive
Merlin leads Regen’s mission to accelerate the transition to a zero-carbon energy system. Under…
Tamsyn Lonsdale-Smith
Tamsyn Lonsdale-Smith
Senior energy analyst
Tamsyn is a senior energy analyst interested in all things people and digital. She…
Poppy Maltby
Poppy Maltby
Head of local energy
Poppy is Head of Local Energy at Regen. She is leading our work to…
George Middlemiss
George Middlemiss
Local energy analyst
George is a local energy analyst who plays a key role in supporting Regen’s…
Grace Millman
Grace Millman
Senior energy analyst
Grace delivers high-quality research, analysis and energy insight as part of Regen's Distribution Future…
Meagan Reasoner
Meagan Reasoner
Energy analyst
Meagan is a energy analyst who joined the Regen team in September of 2022…
Shona R
Shona R
Energy analyst
Shona is an energy analyst who joined Regen in September 2022 after completing her…
Alex Robertson
Alex Robertson
Local net zero project manager
Alex delivers Regen's support of net zero at the local level, ensuring that place…
Hannah Stanley
Hannah Stanley
Stakeholder manager
Hannah first joined Regen in 2017 quickly becoming the events manager and leading the…
Fraser Stewart
Fraser Stewart
Just transition lead
Fraser is driving work on energy justice and just transitions at Regen. From a…
Prina Sumaria
Prina Sumaria
Net zero project manager
Prina specialises in local energy and just transition issues. She leads Regen's work supporting…
Patti S
Patti S
Senior energy analyst
Patti is one of Regen's senior energy analysts, working to deliver high quality data…
Alex Temple
Alex Temple
Policy analyst
Alex works on energy policy including for the Electricity Storage Network, the industry group…
Joel Venn
Joel Venn
Head analyst
As head analyst, Joel is responsible for leading and developing Regen’s analytical team, as…
Felicity Vivian
Felicity Vivian
Local net zero coordinator
Felicity provides support for the Thriving Places Programme an exciting two-year programme in which…
Charlotte Wason
Charlotte Wason
Graduate energy analyst
Charlotte is a Graduate Energy Analyst, having previously spent time as a summer intern…
Sophie Whinney
Sophie Whinney
Senior energy analyst
Sophie has a masters in Engineering Design from the University of Bristol, where she…
Hazel Williams
Hazel Williams
Associate director
Hazel is responsible for Regen’s project delivery, leading on resourcing, quality assurance and developing…
Rebecca Windemer
Rebecca Windemer
Planning and communities lead
Rebecca leads our work on planning at Regen. She holds a PhD in environmental…

Regen is working with Plymouth City Council to review the decarbonisation opportunities in the Plymouth waterfront area.

Project duration: April 2022 – August 2022

Project lead: Olly Frankland

The path to decarbonise the UK will require local authorities to set out specific plans to decarbonise their areas based on their unique resources and geography. Regen is working with a range of local authorities and stakeholders in order to progress this area. For example, the Local delivery of clean heat project and established  Distribution Future Energy Scenarios (DFES) delivery for network operators.

Regen is supporting Plymouth City Council (PCC) to develop a strategy for decarbonising the waterfront area in Plymouth.  The analysis aims to support PCC’s ambition, set out in its Climate Emergency Declaration, for Plymouth to be net zero carbon by 2030.

Our approach uses concepts underpinning local area energy planning together with the scenario planning framework and data used in the DFES for Western Power Distribution (WPD).

The project is funded by the Community Renewal Fund.

We are delivering the work in two phases:

  • Phase 1 (work package 1, 2 and 3) – a high level analysis of the opportunities for decarbonisation in the Plymouth waterfront area, taking into account the wider objectives of the National Marine Park, Freeport plan, marine e-charging Living Lab project in partnership with Plymouth University and PCC climate emergency action plans.
  • Phase 2 (work package 4 and 5) – an in-depth analysis of up to two key opportunity areas – marine charging infrastructure and marine source heat pumps and heat networks.

For further information on this project, please contact Olly Frankland, Senior Project Manager,

People on this project

Mollie Atherton
Mollie Atherton
Local authorities project manager
Mollie leads Regen’s work with local authorities and is committed to accelerating change at…
Robbie Evans
Robbie Evans
Energy analyst
Robbie primarily works in our community energy and just transition team, but over almost…
Rebecca Ford
Rebecca Ford
Rebecca was formerly Head of Demand and Flexibility at Regen and now contributes to…
Olly Frankland
Olly Frankland
Electricity Storage Network lead
Olly leads the Electricity Storage Network, the industry group and voice for the grid-scale…
Rachel Hayes
Rachel Hayes
Associate director
Rachel leads Regen’s strategic partnerships and impact, ensuring we are plugged into key networks…
Jonty Haynes
Jonty Haynes
Principal analyst
Jonty is a Principal Analyst at Regen delivering a range of technical support services,…
Jessica Hogan
Jessica Hogan
Energy analyst
Jessica joined Regen as an Energy Analyst in April 2024. Her research specialises in…
Tamsyn Lonsdale-Smith
Tamsyn Lonsdale-Smith
Senior energy analyst
Tamsyn is a senior energy analyst interested in all things people and digital. She…
Poppy Maltby
Poppy Maltby
Head of local energy
Poppy is Head of Local Energy at Regen. She is leading our work to…
George Middlemiss
George Middlemiss
Local energy analyst
George is a local energy analyst who plays a key role in supporting Regen’s…
Shona R
Shona R
Energy analyst
Shona is an energy analyst who joined Regen in September 2022 after completing her…
Alex Robertson
Alex Robertson
Local net zero project manager
Alex delivers Regen's support of net zero at the local level, ensuring that place…
Hannah Stanley
Hannah Stanley
Stakeholder manager
Hannah first joined Regen in 2017 quickly becoming the events manager and leading the…
Fraser Stewart
Fraser Stewart
Just transition lead
Fraser is driving work on energy justice and just transitions at Regen. From a…
Prina Sumaria
Prina Sumaria
Net zero project manager
Prina specialises in local energy and just transition issues. She leads Regen's work supporting…
Felicity Vivian
Felicity Vivian
Local net zero coordinator
Felicity provides support for the Thriving Places Programme an exciting two-year programme in which…
Hazel Williams
Hazel Williams
Associate director
Hazel is responsible for Regen’s project delivery, leading on resourcing, quality assurance and developing…
Rebecca Windemer
Rebecca Windemer
Planning and communities lead
Rebecca leads our work on planning at Regen. She holds a PhD in environmental…

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