Somerset Council commissioned Regen to develop a county-wide energy plan that would forge a roadmap to achieving its Climate Emergency Strategy objectives. It would identify investment projects and establish an evidence base for future partnerships and funding opportunities as well as set out how the council might work with community energy organisations, the private sector and other stakeholders to invest and grow renewable energy in Somerset.

Project duration: May 2023 – March 2024

Project lead: Tamsyn Lonsdale-Smith, Senior Energy Analyst

The Somerset Energy Investment Plan covers all of the geographic area of Somerset and addresses the Somerset Climate Emergency Strategy’s commitment to develop an energy strategy, which follows three key objectives:

  • To decarbonise local authorities and the wider public estates and reduce our carbon footprint.
  • To work towards making Somerset a carbon-neutral county by 2030.
  • To create a county that is prepared for, and resilient to, the impacts of climate change.

The project involved several work packages, including a GIS database of renewable energy opportunities, an assessment of the Somerset energy system and associated emissions, and analysis of council-owned assets and locally owned renewable generation to benchmark against targets.

The second phase was to deliver an energy roadmap to reach net zero carbon goals out to 2030, 2040 and 2050. A review of policy commitments informed the development of a strategic low-carbon energy pathway that utilises local opportunity to reduce emissions in line with the council’s ambitious goals.

The project also included an economic benefits assessment that identifies investment projects and an evidence base for future partnerships and funding opportunities.

The final report was published at the end of March 2024.

People on this project

Bruce Bardsley
Bruce is an Associate of Regen. He has assisted the data analytics team in…
Tamsyn Lonsdale-Smith
Senior Energy Analyst
Tamsyn is a senior energy analyst interested in all things people and digital. She…
Shona R
Energy Analyst
Shona is an energy analyst who joined Regen in September 2022 after completing her…
Patti S
Senior Energy Analyst
Patti is one of Regen's senior energy analysts, working to deliver high quality data…
Joel Venn
Head Analyst
As head analyst, Joel is responsible for leading and developing Regen’s analytical team, as…
Hazel Williams
Associate Director
Hazel is responsible for Regen’s project delivery, leading on resourcing, quality assurance and developing…
Rebecca Windemer
Planning and Communities Lead
Rebecca leads our work on planning and communities at Regen. She holds a PhD…

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