Regen has worked with the Energy Networks Association’s DNO group to explore the potential interactions and integration between Distribution Network Operator (DNO) processes and proposed Regional Energy Strategic Planner (RESP) functions. This project aims to provide constructive input to the future design and function of the RESPs, focused on the interaction between RESPs and DNOs.

Project duration: January 2024 – July 2024

Project lead: Jonty Haynes, principal analyst

Project aims

The purpose of this project is to provide constructive input to the future design and function of the Regional Energy Strategic Planners (RESPs), focused on the interaction between RESPs and Distribution Network Operators (DNOs).

To develop this report, Regen has worked with the ENA DNO group to understand current DNO network development processes and explore the potential interactions and integration between DNO processes and proposed RESP functions. Input from the DNO group has been obtained through interviews, Requests for Information and roundtable discussions. Report recommendations have been compiled by Regen, with review and input from the ENA DNO group members.

While there are a range of views and priorities across GB’s DNOs, this report reflects a consensus among the DNO group.


The outcome of the project will be published in July in the form of a short report. The report is set to make a number of recommendations that would enable the RESPs to efficiently add value to the DNO network development process and wider regional energy planning activities, with suggestions as to how the DNO and RESP work practices could evolve together. It will also identify functions that should remain within the DNOs’ remit to maintain clear accountabilities, avoid duplication of efforts and make best use of existing DNO capabilities and knowledge.

It is hoped that this report will add to the ongoing RESP design development and inform further discussion within the RESP stakeholder group.


People on this project

Ray Arrell
Ray Arrell
Associate Director
Ray is part of the Regen leadership team, overseeing our work and strategic goals…
Gareth Miller
Gareth Miller
Gareth has over two decades of director-level experience across infrastructure project finance, energy policy,…
Bruce Bardsley
Bruce Bardsley
Bruce is an Associate of Regen. He has assisted the data analytics team in…
Tamar Bourne
Tamar Bourne
Head of innovation
Tamar is the head of innovation at Regen. She strives to be at the…
Ellie Brundrett
Ellie Brundrett
Net Zero Project Manager
Since joining Regen in 2021, Ellie has been responsible for delivering some of our…
Jo Butlin
Jo Butlin
Non-Executive Director
Jo brings deep market knowledge and Board experience to support strategic and operational development…
Christine Chapter
Christine Chapter
Head of Delivery
Christine is Regen's Head of Delivery. She was previously at National Grid Electricity Transmission…
Robbie Evans
Robbie Evans
Energy Analyst
Robbie is an energy analyst at Regen. He has worked across several areas within…
Becky Fowell
Becky Fowell
Project Manager
As a project manager, Becky works with data, visualisation tools and continuous stakeholder engagement…
Olly Frankland
Olly Frankland
Electricity Storage Network Lead
Olly leads the Electricity Storage Network, the industry group and voice for grid-scale electricity…
Maxine Frerk
Maxine Frerk
Maxine has a strong regulatory background after 15 years in Ofgem including as Senior…
Simon Gill
Simon Gill
Simon is a Regen associate, providing a wealth of experience to support our analytical…
Johnny Gowdy
Johnny Gowdy
Johnny is a director of Regen and leads the development of our advisory projects,…
Rachel Hayes
Rachel Hayes
Associate Director
Rachel leads Regen’s strategic partnerships and impact, ensuring we are plugged into key networks…
Jonty Haynes
Jonty Haynes
Principal Analyst
Jonty is a Principal Analyst at Regen delivering a range of technical support services,…
Frank Hodgson
Frank Hodgson
Senior Energy Analyst
Frank joined Regen in 2022 as a Senior Energy Analyst and co-leads Regen's transport…
Jessica Hogan
Jessica Hogan
Energy Analyst
Jessica joined Regen as an Energy Analyst in April 2024. Her research specialises in…
Merlin Hyman
Merlin Hyman
Chief Executive
Merlin leads Regen’s mission to accelerate the transition to a zero-carbon energy system. Under…
Tamsyn Lonsdale-Smith
Tamsyn Lonsdale-Smith
Senior Energy Analyst
Tamsyn is a senior energy analyst interested in all things people and digital. She…
Poppy Maltby
Poppy Maltby
Head of Local Energy
Poppy is Head of Local Energy at Regen. She is leading our work to…
George Middlemiss
George Middlemiss
Local Energy Analyst
George is a local energy analyst who plays a key role in supporting Regen’s…
Grace Millman
Grace Millman
Senior Energy Analyst
Grace is a senior energy analyst at Regen delivering high quality research, analysis and…
Meagan Reasoner
Meagan Reasoner
Energy Analyst
Meagan is a energy analyst who joined the Regen team in September of 2022…
Fraser Stewart
Fraser Stewart
Just Transition Lead
Fraser is driving work on energy justice and just transitions at Regen. From a…
Prina Sumaria
Prina Sumaria
Net Zero Project Manager
Prina specialises in local energy and just transition issues. She leads Regen's work supporting…
Patti S
Patti S
Senior Energy Analyst
Patti is one of Regen's senior energy analysts, working to deliver high quality data…
Alex Temple
Alex Temple
Electricity Storage Network Graduate
Alex works on the Electricity Storage Network, the industry group and voice for grid-scale…
Joel Venn
Joel Venn
Head Analyst
As head analyst, Joel is responsible for leading and developing Regen’s analytical team, as…
Felicity Vivian
Felicity Vivian
Local Net Zero Coordinator
Felicity provides support for the Thriving Places Programme an exciting two-year programme in which…
Charlotte Wason
Charlotte Wason
Graduate Energy Analyst
Charlotte is a Graduate Energy Analyst, having previously spent time as a summer intern…
Sophie Whinney
Sophie Whinney
Senior Energy Analyst
Sophie has a masters in Engineering Design from the University of Bristol, where she…
Hazel Williams
Hazel Williams
Associate Director
Hazel is responsible for Regen’s project delivery, leading on resourcing, quality assurance and developing…

Regen has been working with National Grid Electricity Distribution since 2015 to deliver the annual Distribution Future Energy Scenarios (DFES) assessments to guide distribution network planning.

Project duration (2024 iteration): April 2024 – December 2024

Project lead: Grace Millman, Senior Energy Analyst

The context: distribution network planning

To meet the UK’s carbon reduction targets, the energy system will undergo substantial change, from major wind, solar and energy storage projects down to heating and transport for individual households. In order to plan for this energy system evolution, Regen and National Grid Electricity Distribution (NGED) have worked together since 2015 to produce annual Distribution Future Energy Scenarios (DFES) for each of NGED’s four licence areas. Now an annual process for each Distribution System Operator (DSO), each DFES builds on the analysis and engagement undertaken over the previous years.

What is DFES?

The scenarios cover distribution-connected generation and storage, from solar and wind farms to gas-fired generation and batteries, alongside key sources of energy demand such as electric vehicles, heat pumps, new housing developments and hydrogen electrolysers, within the framework of the National Grid ESO Future Energy Scenarios (FES).

The DFES process helps NGED to understand:

  • What technologies will connect and/or disconnect from its network out to 2050.
  • How much installed capacity of each technology will connect under four future societal and technological scenarios.
  • When this capacity could come online and begin supplying and/or consuming electricity.
  • Where across NGED’s licence areas these technologies will likely connect.

NGED uses the outputs of the DFES modelling to determine the potential impacts of new development on the distribution network, to provide an evidence base to support future network reinforcement and investment, and to identify opportunities for the use of non-network solutions such as storage and flexibility services. For key low-carbon technologies, a more detailed, granular analysis is completed as part of the DFES assessment, producing street-level future scenario projections on the low voltage network, for electric vehicles (EVs), EV chargers, heat pumps, rooftop solar and domestic battery storage.

How are stakeholders engaged?

The DFES is heavily underpinned by input from local stakeholders. As part of this annual engagement, Regen delivers a series of interactive webinars outlining the overall thinking and approach to DFES analysis. The team uses interactive software online polling platform – Menti – to gauge views on the uptake of new or disruptive future energy technologies, testing some of the assumptions used in the DFES modelling and to explore some of the regional characteristics for the NGED licence areas that may align with, or diverge away from, national trends.

Why Engage With DFES


DFES 2024

NGED and Regen are currently undertaking the 2024 iteration of the DFES which looks at a set of possible future scenarios for the uptake of key energy technologies out to 2050. Over the coming months, we will be engaging local authorities, regional decision-makers, project developers, asset owners, energy consumers, community energy groups and trade bodies to develop bottom-up, stakeholder-led regional future scenarios to inform NGED’s network planning and investment. You can sign up for the stakeholder consultation events here and reach out via email if you would like to part of our wider DFES engagement.


PNG High Res

National Grid Logo RGB

The outputs of our previous DFES analyses are published on National Grid’s website here.


People on this project

Ray Arrell
Ray Arrell
Associate Director
Ray is part of the Regen leadership team, overseeing our work and strategic goals…
Gareth Miller
Gareth Miller
Gareth has over two decades of director-level experience across infrastructure project finance, energy policy,…
Bruce Bardsley
Bruce Bardsley
Bruce is an Associate of Regen. He has assisted the data analytics team in…
Tamar Bourne
Tamar Bourne
Head of innovation
Tamar is the head of innovation at Regen. She strives to be at the…
Ellie Brundrett
Ellie Brundrett
Net Zero Project Manager
Since joining Regen in 2021, Ellie has been responsible for delivering some of our…
Jo Butlin
Jo Butlin
Non-Executive Director
Jo brings deep market knowledge and Board experience to support strategic and operational development…
Christine Chapter
Christine Chapter
Head of Delivery
Christine is Regen's Head of Delivery. She was previously at National Grid Electricity Transmission…
Robbie Evans
Robbie Evans
Energy Analyst
Robbie is an energy analyst at Regen. He has worked across several areas within…
Becky Fowell
Becky Fowell
Project Manager
As a project manager, Becky works with data, visualisation tools and continuous stakeholder engagement…
Olly Frankland
Olly Frankland
Electricity Storage Network Lead
Olly leads the Electricity Storage Network, the industry group and voice for grid-scale electricity…
Maxine Frerk
Maxine Frerk
Maxine has a strong regulatory background after 15 years in Ofgem including as Senior…
Simon Gill
Simon Gill
Simon is a Regen associate, providing a wealth of experience to support our analytical…
Johnny Gowdy
Johnny Gowdy
Johnny is a director of Regen and leads the development of our advisory projects,…
Rachel Hayes
Rachel Hayes
Associate Director
Rachel leads Regen’s strategic partnerships and impact, ensuring we are plugged into key networks…
Jonty Haynes
Jonty Haynes
Principal Analyst
Jonty is a Principal Analyst at Regen delivering a range of technical support services,…
Frank Hodgson
Frank Hodgson
Senior Energy Analyst
Frank joined Regen in 2022 as a Senior Energy Analyst and co-leads Regen's transport…
Merlin Hyman
Merlin Hyman
Chief Executive
Merlin leads Regen’s mission to accelerate the transition to a zero-carbon energy system. Under…
Tamsyn Lonsdale-Smith
Tamsyn Lonsdale-Smith
Senior Energy Analyst
Tamsyn is a senior energy analyst interested in all things people and digital. She…
Poppy Maltby
Poppy Maltby
Head of Local Energy
Poppy is Head of Local Energy at Regen. She is leading our work to…
George Middlemiss
George Middlemiss
Local Energy Analyst
George is a local energy analyst who plays a key role in supporting Regen’s…
Grace Millman
Grace Millman
Senior Energy Analyst
Grace is a senior energy analyst at Regen delivering high quality research, analysis and…
Meagan Reasoner
Meagan Reasoner
Energy Analyst
Meagan is a energy analyst who joined the Regen team in September of 2022…
Fraser Stewart
Fraser Stewart
Just Transition Lead
Fraser is driving work on energy justice and just transitions at Regen. From a…
Prina Sumaria
Prina Sumaria
Net Zero Project Manager
Prina specialises in local energy and just transition issues. She leads Regen's work supporting…
Patti S
Patti S
Senior Energy Analyst
Patti is one of Regen's senior energy analysts, working to deliver high quality data…
Alex Temple
Alex Temple
Electricity Storage Network Graduate
Alex works on the Electricity Storage Network, the industry group and voice for grid-scale…
Joel Venn
Joel Venn
Head Analyst
As head analyst, Joel is responsible for leading and developing Regen’s analytical team, as…
Charlotte Wason
Charlotte Wason
Graduate Energy Analyst
Charlotte is a Graduate Energy Analyst, having previously spent time as a summer intern…
Sophie Whinney
Sophie Whinney
Senior Energy Analyst
Sophie has a masters in Engineering Design from the University of Bristol, where she…
Hazel Williams
Hazel Williams
Associate Director
Hazel is responsible for Regen’s project delivery, leading on resourcing, quality assurance and developing…

Hebrides and Orkney – Future Load Growth Investigation

Regen has been working with Scottish and Southern Electricity Networks (SSEN) to collate evidence on the future electricity load growth on the Outer Hebrides, Inner Hebrides and Orkney. This work will help SSEN to better understand what investment is needed in the islands’ electricity networks, including the subsea cables that connect them to the mainland.


Project duration: October 2023 – February 2024

Project lead: Becky Fowell, Energy Market Analyst 

Within their RIIO-ED2 business plan, Scottish and Southern Electricity Networks (SSEN) identified the need to replace or strategically reinforce 15 subsea cables that currently connect various Scottish islands to the mainland. Funding for these cables is being explored through SSENs Hebrides and Orkney Whole System Uncertainty Mechanism (HOWSUM) programme of work, which is being assessed across 2024 and 2025.

The evidence cases for these island groups builds on Regen’s ongoing work to deliver SSEN’s annual Distribution Future Energy Scenarios (DFES) assessments for their North of Scotland licence area. They also build on a similar load growth assessment that Regen completed for the Isle of Wight, in SSEN’s Southern England licence area.

The evidence cases provide a summary of the existing electricity network and existing network constraints, alongside a summary of the potential future electricity load growth out to 2050, categorised by:

  • Distributed electricity generation (and relevant transmission-connected projects)
  • Electricity flexibility technologies (battery storage and hydrogen)
  • Electrified transport
  • Electrified heat
  • New property developments

The work also provides insight into additional sources of future electricity load from industries that are not currently included within the DFES technology scope, such as:

  • Maritime (ferries and fishing vessels) and aviation decarbonisation
  • Significant commercial industries (i.e. whisky distilleries, agriculture, aquaculture)

This study is intended to support SSEN to identify future electricity needs across these Scottish Island groups. This will inform the network investment requirements to enable future uptake of renewable generation and low carbon technologies across the islands, allowing for both net zero and security of supply within the island groups.

SSEN have recently published documentations related to their HOWSUM (Hebrides and Orkney Whole System Uncertainty Mechanism) application on their website.

The evidence cases that Regen has provided for each island group can be found below.

Website OH Wording              Website Ork Wording                  Website IH Wording


People on this project

Ray Arrell
Ray Arrell
Associate Director
Ray is part of the Regen leadership team, overseeing our work and strategic goals…
Mollie Atherton
Mollie Atherton
Local Authorities Project Manager
Mollie leads Regen’s work with local authorities and is committed to accelerating change at…
Gareth Miller
Gareth Miller
Gareth has over two decades of director-level experience across infrastructure project finance, energy policy,…
Bruce Bardsley
Bruce Bardsley
Bruce is an Associate of Regen. He has assisted the data analytics team in…
Tamar Bourne
Tamar Bourne
Head of innovation
Tamar is the head of innovation at Regen. She strives to be at the…
Ellie Brundrett
Ellie Brundrett
Net Zero Project Manager
Since joining Regen in 2021, Ellie has been responsible for delivering some of our…
Jo Butlin
Jo Butlin
Non-Executive Director
Jo brings deep market knowledge and Board experience to support strategic and operational development…
Christine Chapter
Christine Chapter
Head of Delivery
Christine is Regen's Head of Delivery. She was previously at National Grid Electricity Transmission…
Robbie Evans
Robbie Evans
Energy Analyst
Robbie is an energy analyst at Regen. He has worked across several areas within…
Rebecca Ford
Rebecca Ford
Head of Demand and Flexibility
Rebecca is Head of Demand and Flexibility at Regen, leading work at the nexus…
Becky Fowell
Becky Fowell
Project Manager
As a project manager, Becky works with data, visualisation tools and continuous stakeholder engagement…
Olly Frankland
Olly Frankland
Electricity Storage Network Lead
Olly leads the Electricity Storage Network, the industry group and voice for grid-scale electricity…
Maxine Frerk
Maxine Frerk
Maxine has a strong regulatory background after 15 years in Ofgem including as Senior…
Simon Gill
Simon Gill
Simon is a Regen associate, providing a wealth of experience to support our analytical…
Johnny Gowdy
Johnny Gowdy
Johnny is a director of Regen and leads the development of our advisory projects,…
Rachel Hayes
Rachel Hayes
Associate Director
Rachel leads Regen’s strategic partnerships and impact, ensuring we are plugged into key networks…
Jonty Haynes
Jonty Haynes
Principal Analyst
Jonty is a Principal Analyst at Regen delivering a range of technical support services,…
Frank Hodgson
Frank Hodgson
Senior Energy Analyst
Frank joined Regen in 2022 as a Senior Energy Analyst and co-leads Regen's transport…
Jessica Hogan
Jessica Hogan
Energy Analyst
Jessica joined Regen as an Energy Analyst in April 2024. Her research specialises in…
Merlin Hyman
Merlin Hyman
Chief Executive
Merlin leads Regen’s mission to accelerate the transition to a zero-carbon energy system. Under…
Tamsyn Lonsdale-Smith
Tamsyn Lonsdale-Smith
Senior Energy Analyst
Tamsyn is a senior energy analyst interested in all things people and digital. She…
Poppy Maltby
Poppy Maltby
Head of Local Energy
Poppy is Head of Local Energy at Regen. She is leading our work to…
George Middlemiss
George Middlemiss
Local Energy Analyst
George is a local energy analyst who plays a key role in supporting Regen’s…
Grace Millman
Grace Millman
Senior Energy Analyst
Grace is a senior energy analyst at Regen delivering high quality research, analysis and…
Meagan Reasoner
Meagan Reasoner
Energy Analyst
Meagan is a energy analyst who joined the Regen team in September of 2022…
Shona R
Shona R
Energy Analyst
Shona is an energy analyst who joined Regen in September 2022 after completing her…
Alex Robertson
Alex Robertson
Local Net Zero Project Manager
Alex delivers Regen's support of net zero at the local level, ensuring that place…
Hannah Stanley
Hannah Stanley
Stakeholder Manager
Hannah first joined Regen in 2017 quickly becoming the events manager and leading the…
Fraser Stewart
Fraser Stewart
Just Transition Lead
Fraser is driving work on energy justice and just transitions at Regen. From a…
Prina Sumaria
Prina Sumaria
Net Zero Project Manager
Prina specialises in local energy and just transition issues. She leads Regen's work supporting…
Patti S
Patti S
Senior Energy Analyst
Patti is one of Regen's senior energy analysts, working to deliver high quality data…
Alex Temple
Alex Temple
Electricity Storage Network Graduate
Alex works on the Electricity Storage Network, the industry group and voice for grid-scale…
Joel Venn
Joel Venn
Head Analyst
As head analyst, Joel is responsible for leading and developing Regen’s analytical team, as…
Felicity Vivian
Felicity Vivian
Local Net Zero Coordinator
Felicity provides support for the Thriving Places Programme an exciting two-year programme in which…
Charlotte Wason
Charlotte Wason
Graduate Energy Analyst
Charlotte is a Graduate Energy Analyst, having previously spent time as a summer intern…
Sophie Whinney
Sophie Whinney
Senior Energy Analyst
Sophie has a masters in Engineering Design from the University of Bristol, where she…
Hazel Williams
Hazel Williams
Associate Director
Hazel is responsible for Regen’s project delivery, leading on resourcing, quality assurance and developing…
Rebecca Windemer
Rebecca Windemer
Planning and Communities Lead
Rebecca leads our work on planning and communities at Regen. She holds a PhD…

Regen with LCP Delta to undertake an assessment of the role and benefits of long duration electricity storage (LDES) technologies on the GB power system.

Project duration: December 2022 – January 2024

Project lead: Ray Arrell, Associate Director

Regen, in partnership with LCP Delta, undertook a study for DESNZ looking at the role and benefits of varying levels of long duration electricity storage in the GB power system out to 2050.

Regen’s primary role was to engage LDES technology developers (many of whom were ESN members), to understand the capabilities, technical characteristics and operational roles that LDES could bring to the GB power system, to support and validate the assumptions in LCP Delta’s systemic modelling.

The culmination of this engagement and analysis, was a summarising report, published by DESNZ in January 2024:

Report Cover

This report concluded that:

  • Adding LDES to the system can have a positive impact on both emissions and system costs, with the duration of deployed LDES being the biggest factor in the size of that impact.
  • The capital costs of LDES technologies are critical in determining the net benefits of these technologies. Reducing the capital costs of these technologies increases system benefits.
  • LDES can act as a risk mitigation for reduced delivery of other technologies. With lower levels of gas CCS and hydrogen deployment, the Study finds that there are greater emissions and system cost benefits when LDES is added to the system.
  • The location of LDES is not a significant driver of LDES benefits to the system. The benefits of locating LDES in the right place are significantly smaller than the overall benefits of adding LDES to the system.
  • Overall, Long-Duration Electricity Storage technologies could have a significant impact on providing the flexibility the future GB power system will need, driving reduction of both emissions and system costs.

Regen published a joint article with LCP Delta when the report was launched in January 2024, summarising the analysis.

This work led to the publication of an industry consultation on the policy framework to enable investment in long duration electricity storage, specifically including the introduction of a ‘cap and floor’ commercial mechanism:



For more information on this project, please contact Ray Arrell.

People on this project

Ray Arrell
Ray Arrell
Associate Director
Ray is part of the Regen leadership team, overseeing our work and strategic goals…
Gareth Miller
Gareth Miller
Gareth has over two decades of director-level experience across infrastructure project finance, energy policy,…
Bruce Bardsley
Bruce Bardsley
Bruce is an Associate of Regen. He has assisted the data analytics team in…
Rebecca Ford
Rebecca Ford
Head of Demand and Flexibility
Rebecca is Head of Demand and Flexibility at Regen, leading work at the nexus…
Johnny Gowdy
Johnny Gowdy
Johnny is a director of Regen and leads the development of our advisory projects,…
Rachel Hayes
Rachel Hayes
Associate Director
Rachel leads Regen’s strategic partnerships and impact, ensuring we are plugged into key networks…
Jonty Haynes
Jonty Haynes
Principal Analyst
Jonty is a Principal Analyst at Regen delivering a range of technical support services,…
Tamsyn Lonsdale-Smith
Tamsyn Lonsdale-Smith
Senior Energy Analyst
Tamsyn is a senior energy analyst interested in all things people and digital. She…
Poppy Maltby
Poppy Maltby
Head of Local Energy
Poppy is Head of Local Energy at Regen. She is leading our work to…
Grace Millman
Grace Millman
Senior Energy Analyst
Grace is a senior energy analyst at Regen delivering high quality research, analysis and…
Meagan Reasoner
Meagan Reasoner
Energy Analyst
Meagan is a energy analyst who joined the Regen team in September of 2022…
Patti S
Patti S
Senior Energy Analyst
Patti is one of Regen's senior energy analysts, working to deliver high quality data…
Alex Temple
Alex Temple
Electricity Storage Network Graduate
Alex works on the Electricity Storage Network, the industry group and voice for grid-scale…
Joel Venn
Joel Venn
Head Analyst
As head analyst, Joel is responsible for leading and developing Regen’s analytical team, as…
Sophie Whinney
Sophie Whinney
Senior Energy Analyst
Sophie has a masters in Engineering Design from the University of Bristol, where she…
Hazel Williams
Hazel Williams
Associate Director
Hazel is responsible for Regen’s project delivery, leading on resourcing, quality assurance and developing…

Regen is working with UK Power Networks to assess the potential impact of battery storage development on their distribution networks in the Eastern, South Eastern and London licence areas.

Project duration: July – December 2023

Project lead: Ray Arrell, Head of Future Energy Systems

The commercial battery storage sector has significantly and rapidly grown over the past 8 years. From a handful of early-adopters seeking to participate in National Grid ESO’s Enhanced Frequency Response auctions in 2016/17, to the 10s of GW of prospective projects that are currently seeking grid connections across multiple voltage tiers across all areas of the UK.

Whilst a growing number of operational sites are now providing a range of services to the UK electricity system, the true scale of development and impact of battery storage capacity on our electricity networks, remains an area that DNOs and the transmission operators are looking to understand in more detail.

Off the back of Regen’s extensive experience in assessing battery pipelines through our DFES analysis and the management of the Electricity Storage Network, UK Power Networks (UKPN) has commissioned Regen to complete a battery storage impact assessment for their distribution network licence areas in the East and South East of England (including central London).


This impact assessment will include:

  • A deep analysis of the current pipeline of battery connection offers
  • A review of battery storage business models and revenue sources moving forward
  • A spatial mapping of project development clusters
  • The development of operating mode profiles for a set of battery storage asset classes

Regen/the ESN would welcome views from the battery storage sector (and beyond) to feed in to this impact assessment.

For more information on this project, please contact Ray Arrell.

People on this project

Ray Arrell
Ray Arrell
Associate Director
Ray is part of the Regen leadership team, overseeing our work and strategic goals…
Gareth Miller
Gareth Miller
Gareth has over two decades of director-level experience across infrastructure project finance, energy policy,…
Bruce Bardsley
Bruce Bardsley
Bruce is an Associate of Regen. He has assisted the data analytics team in…
Rebecca Ford
Rebecca Ford
Head of Demand and Flexibility
Rebecca is Head of Demand and Flexibility at Regen, leading work at the nexus…
Johnny Gowdy
Johnny Gowdy
Johnny is a director of Regen and leads the development of our advisory projects,…
Rachel Hayes
Rachel Hayes
Associate Director
Rachel leads Regen’s strategic partnerships and impact, ensuring we are plugged into key networks…
Jonty Haynes
Jonty Haynes
Principal Analyst
Jonty is a Principal Analyst at Regen delivering a range of technical support services,…
Tamsyn Lonsdale-Smith
Tamsyn Lonsdale-Smith
Senior Energy Analyst
Tamsyn is a senior energy analyst interested in all things people and digital. She…
Poppy Maltby
Poppy Maltby
Head of Local Energy
Poppy is Head of Local Energy at Regen. She is leading our work to…
Grace Millman
Grace Millman
Senior Energy Analyst
Grace is a senior energy analyst at Regen delivering high quality research, analysis and…
Meagan Reasoner
Meagan Reasoner
Energy Analyst
Meagan is a energy analyst who joined the Regen team in September of 2022…
Patti S
Patti S
Senior Energy Analyst
Patti is one of Regen's senior energy analysts, working to deliver high quality data…
Alex Temple
Alex Temple
Electricity Storage Network Graduate
Alex works on the Electricity Storage Network, the industry group and voice for grid-scale…
Joel Venn
Joel Venn
Head Analyst
As head analyst, Joel is responsible for leading and developing Regen’s analytical team, as…
Sophie Whinney
Sophie Whinney
Senior Energy Analyst
Sophie has a masters in Engineering Design from the University of Bristol, where she…
Hazel Williams
Hazel Williams
Associate Director
Hazel is responsible for Regen’s project delivery, leading on resourcing, quality assurance and developing…

Somerset Council commissioned Regen to develop a county-wide energy plan that would forge a roadmap to achieving its Climate Emergency Strategy objectives. It would identify investment projects and establish an evidence base for future partnerships and funding opportunities as well as set out how the council might work with community energy organisations, the private sector and other stakeholders to invest and grow renewable energy in Somerset.

Project duration: May 2023 – March 2024

Project lead: Tamsyn Lonsdale-Smith, Senior Energy Analyst

The Somerset Energy Investment Plan covers all of the geographic area of Somerset and addresses the Somerset Climate Emergency Strategy’s commitment to develop an energy strategy, which follows three key objectives:

  • To decarbonise local authorities and the wider public estates and reduce our carbon footprint.
  • To work towards making Somerset a carbon-neutral county by 2030.
  • To create a county that is prepared for, and resilient to, the impacts of climate change.

The project involved several work packages, including a GIS database of renewable energy opportunities, an assessment of the Somerset energy system and associated emissions, and analysis of council-owned assets and locally owned renewable generation to benchmark against targets.

The second phase was to deliver an energy roadmap to reach net zero carbon goals out to 2030, 2040 and 2050. A review of policy commitments informed the development of a strategic low-carbon energy pathway that utilises local opportunity to reduce emissions in line with the council’s ambitious goals.

The project also included an economic benefits assessment that identifies investment projects and an evidence base for future partnerships and funding opportunities.

The final report was published at the end of March 2024.

People on this project

Ray Arrell
Ray Arrell
Associate Director
Ray is part of the Regen leadership team, overseeing our work and strategic goals…
Mollie Atherton
Mollie Atherton
Local Authorities Project Manager
Mollie leads Regen’s work with local authorities and is committed to accelerating change at…
Gareth Miller
Gareth Miller
Gareth has over two decades of director-level experience across infrastructure project finance, energy policy,…
Bruce Bardsley
Bruce Bardsley
Bruce is an Associate of Regen. He has assisted the data analytics team in…
Rebecca Ford
Rebecca Ford
Head of Demand and Flexibility
Rebecca is Head of Demand and Flexibility at Regen, leading work at the nexus…
Olly Frankland
Olly Frankland
Electricity Storage Network Lead
Olly leads the Electricity Storage Network, the industry group and voice for grid-scale electricity…
Johnny Gowdy
Johnny Gowdy
Johnny is a director of Regen and leads the development of our advisory projects,…
Rachel Hayes
Rachel Hayes
Associate Director
Rachel leads Regen’s strategic partnerships and impact, ensuring we are plugged into key networks…
Jonty Haynes
Jonty Haynes
Principal Analyst
Jonty is a Principal Analyst at Regen delivering a range of technical support services,…
Jessica Hogan
Jessica Hogan
Energy Analyst
Jessica joined Regen as an Energy Analyst in April 2024. Her research specialises in…
Tamsyn Lonsdale-Smith
Tamsyn Lonsdale-Smith
Senior Energy Analyst
Tamsyn is a senior energy analyst interested in all things people and digital. She…
Poppy Maltby
Poppy Maltby
Head of Local Energy
Poppy is Head of Local Energy at Regen. She is leading our work to…
George Middlemiss
George Middlemiss
Local Energy Analyst
George is a local energy analyst who plays a key role in supporting Regen’s…
Grace Millman
Grace Millman
Senior Energy Analyst
Grace is a senior energy analyst at Regen delivering high quality research, analysis and…
Meagan Reasoner
Meagan Reasoner
Energy Analyst
Meagan is a energy analyst who joined the Regen team in September of 2022…
Shona R
Shona R
Energy Analyst
Shona is an energy analyst who joined Regen in September 2022 after completing her…
Alex Robertson
Alex Robertson
Local Net Zero Project Manager
Alex delivers Regen's support of net zero at the local level, ensuring that place…
Hannah Stanley
Hannah Stanley
Stakeholder Manager
Hannah first joined Regen in 2017 quickly becoming the events manager and leading the…
Fraser Stewart
Fraser Stewart
Just Transition Lead
Fraser is driving work on energy justice and just transitions at Regen. From a…
Prina Sumaria
Prina Sumaria
Net Zero Project Manager
Prina specialises in local energy and just transition issues. She leads Regen's work supporting…
Patti S
Patti S
Senior Energy Analyst
Patti is one of Regen's senior energy analysts, working to deliver high quality data…
Joel Venn
Joel Venn
Head Analyst
As head analyst, Joel is responsible for leading and developing Regen’s analytical team, as…
Felicity Vivian
Felicity Vivian
Local Net Zero Coordinator
Felicity provides support for the Thriving Places Programme an exciting two-year programme in which…
Sophie Whinney
Sophie Whinney
Senior Energy Analyst
Sophie has a masters in Engineering Design from the University of Bristol, where she…
Hazel Williams
Hazel Williams
Associate Director
Hazel is responsible for Regen’s project delivery, leading on resourcing, quality assurance and developing…
Rebecca Windemer
Rebecca Windemer
Planning and Communities Lead
Rebecca leads our work on planning and communities at Regen. She holds a PhD…

As part of Scottish and Southern Electricity Networks (SSEN)’s future forecasting, network analysis and investment planning processes, Regen has been working with the SSEN team to deliver a number of Distribution Network Future Energy Scenario (DFES) assessments for the electricity distribution networks in the North of Scotland and Southern Central England licence areas.

The annual DFES assessments use National Grid ESO’s Future Energy Scenarios as the overarching framework, but develop a set of bottom-up, local evidence led projections which reflect the unique characteristics and development activity of SSEN’s network regions. The scenario projections model the potential increase of key electricity generation, storage and demand capacity that has connected, or will connect, to SSEN’s network in the period out to 2050.

You can read the final reports for 2023 below.

SSEN DFES 2023 Southern England Report

Download the report offline here:

SSEN DFES 2023 North of Scotland Report

Download the report offline here:

What is DFES?

The DFES process essentially helps SSEN to understand:

  • What technologies will connect/disconnect from their network out to 2050
  • How much installed capacity of each technology will connect, under four future societal and technological scenarios
  • When this capacity could come online and begin supplying/consuming electricity
  • And where across SSEN’s licence areas these technologies will likely connect

SSEN uses the outputs of the DFES modelling to determine the potential impacts on the distribution network, to provide an evidence base to support future network reinforcement and investment, and to identify opportunities for the use of non-network solutions such as storage and flexibility services. For key low carbon technologies, a more detailed, granular, analysis is completed as part of the DFES assessment, producing ‘below street level’ future scenario projections on the low voltage network, for electric vehicles (EVs), EV chargers, heat pumps, rooftop solar and domestic battery storage.

How are stakeholders engaged? 

The DFES is heavily underpinned by input from local stakeholders. As part of this engagement, every year, Regen delivers a series of interactive webinars outlining the overall thinking and approach to DFES analysis. The team uses interactive software online polling platform – Mentimeter – to gauge views on the uptake of new or disruptive future energy technologies, testing some of the assumptions used in the DFES modelling and to explore some of the regional characteristics for the North of Scotland and Southern England regions that may align with, or diverge away from, national trends.

Previous DFES reports

Regen has been pioneering the DFES approach since 2015 and has worked with SSEN on their DFES studies since 2018/18.
You can find links to some of the previous reports produced with SSEN below.

To find out more about Regen’s DFES methodology – please contact Ray Arrell (

People on this project

Ray Arrell
Ray Arrell
Associate Director
Ray is part of the Regen leadership team, overseeing our work and strategic goals…
Gareth Miller
Gareth Miller
Gareth has over two decades of director-level experience across infrastructure project finance, energy policy,…
Bruce Bardsley
Bruce Bardsley
Bruce is an Associate of Regen. He has assisted the data analytics team in…
Johnny Gowdy
Johnny Gowdy
Johnny is a director of Regen and leads the development of our advisory projects,…
Jonty Haynes
Jonty Haynes
Principal Analyst
Jonty is a Principal Analyst at Regen delivering a range of technical support services,…
Tamsyn Lonsdale-Smith
Tamsyn Lonsdale-Smith
Senior Energy Analyst
Tamsyn is a senior energy analyst interested in all things people and digital. She…
Poppy Maltby
Poppy Maltby
Head of Local Energy
Poppy is Head of Local Energy at Regen. She is leading our work to…
Grace Millman
Grace Millman
Senior Energy Analyst
Grace is a senior energy analyst at Regen delivering high quality research, analysis and…
Meagan Reasoner
Meagan Reasoner
Energy Analyst
Meagan is a energy analyst who joined the Regen team in September of 2022…
Patti S
Patti S
Senior Energy Analyst
Patti is one of Regen's senior energy analysts, working to deliver high quality data…
Joel Venn
Joel Venn
Head Analyst
As head analyst, Joel is responsible for leading and developing Regen’s analytical team, as…
Sophie Whinney
Sophie Whinney
Senior Energy Analyst
Sophie has a masters in Engineering Design from the University of Bristol, where she…
Hazel Williams
Hazel Williams
Associate Director
Hazel is responsible for Regen’s project delivery, leading on resourcing, quality assurance and developing…

Isle of Wight - Network Investment Study

Regen has worked with Scottish and Southern Electricity Networks (SSEN) and the Isle of Wight Council to develop a load growth evidence case to enable investment in the island’s electricity network.

Project duration: May 2022 – June 2023

Project lead: Ray Arrell, Head of Future Energy Systems

The study’s core output was to provide a written evidence case report, to support SSEN’s business plan application to Ofgem, to unlock additional investment in the electricity network supplying/on the Isle of Wight. This investment will unlock capacity to enable the Isle of Wight’s future growth/aspirations to expand renewable generation, low carbon technology adoption, electrification of other sources of demand and wider net-zero ambitions.

The study built on the analysis and granular future scenario projections that Regen produced for SSEN’s Southern England licence area, through the latest edition of their Distribution Future Energy Scenarios (DFES) assessment:

IoW Project Org Banner

In May 2023, Regen worked with Isle of Wight Council and SSEN to publish the summarising report for the electricity load growth analysis and evidence case for additional network investment:

IoW Report Cover

For further information on this project, please contact Ray Arrell, Head of Future Energy Systems,

People on this project

Ray Arrell
Ray Arrell
Associate Director
Ray is part of the Regen leadership team, overseeing our work and strategic goals…
Mollie Atherton
Mollie Atherton
Local Authorities Project Manager
Mollie leads Regen’s work with local authorities and is committed to accelerating change at…
Gareth Miller
Gareth Miller
Gareth has over two decades of director-level experience across infrastructure project finance, energy policy,…
Bruce Bardsley
Bruce Bardsley
Bruce is an Associate of Regen. He has assisted the data analytics team in…
Tamar Bourne
Tamar Bourne
Head of innovation
Tamar is the head of innovation at Regen. She strives to be at the…
Ellie Brundrett
Ellie Brundrett
Net Zero Project Manager
Since joining Regen in 2021, Ellie has been responsible for delivering some of our…
Jo Butlin
Jo Butlin
Non-Executive Director
Jo brings deep market knowledge and Board experience to support strategic and operational development…
Christine Chapter
Christine Chapter
Head of Delivery
Christine is Regen's Head of Delivery. She was previously at National Grid Electricity Transmission…
Robbie Evans
Robbie Evans
Energy Analyst
Robbie is an energy analyst at Regen. He has worked across several areas within…
Rebecca Ford
Rebecca Ford
Head of Demand and Flexibility
Rebecca is Head of Demand and Flexibility at Regen, leading work at the nexus…
Becky Fowell
Becky Fowell
Project Manager
As a project manager, Becky works with data, visualisation tools and continuous stakeholder engagement…
Olly Frankland
Olly Frankland
Electricity Storage Network Lead
Olly leads the Electricity Storage Network, the industry group and voice for grid-scale electricity…
Maxine Frerk
Maxine Frerk
Maxine has a strong regulatory background after 15 years in Ofgem including as Senior…
Simon Gill
Simon Gill
Simon is a Regen associate, providing a wealth of experience to support our analytical…
Johnny Gowdy
Johnny Gowdy
Johnny is a director of Regen and leads the development of our advisory projects,…
Rachel Hayes
Rachel Hayes
Associate Director
Rachel leads Regen’s strategic partnerships and impact, ensuring we are plugged into key networks…
Jonty Haynes
Jonty Haynes
Principal Analyst
Jonty is a Principal Analyst at Regen delivering a range of technical support services,…
Frank Hodgson
Frank Hodgson
Senior Energy Analyst
Frank joined Regen in 2022 as a Senior Energy Analyst and co-leads Regen's transport…
Jessica Hogan
Jessica Hogan
Energy Analyst
Jessica joined Regen as an Energy Analyst in April 2024. Her research specialises in…
Merlin Hyman
Merlin Hyman
Chief Executive
Merlin leads Regen’s mission to accelerate the transition to a zero-carbon energy system. Under…
Tamsyn Lonsdale-Smith
Tamsyn Lonsdale-Smith
Senior Energy Analyst
Tamsyn is a senior energy analyst interested in all things people and digital. She…
Poppy Maltby
Poppy Maltby
Head of Local Energy
Poppy is Head of Local Energy at Regen. She is leading our work to…
George Middlemiss
George Middlemiss
Local Energy Analyst
George is a local energy analyst who plays a key role in supporting Regen’s…
Grace Millman
Grace Millman
Senior Energy Analyst
Grace is a senior energy analyst at Regen delivering high quality research, analysis and…
Meagan Reasoner
Meagan Reasoner
Energy Analyst
Meagan is a energy analyst who joined the Regen team in September of 2022…
Shona R
Shona R
Energy Analyst
Shona is an energy analyst who joined Regen in September 2022 after completing her…
Alex Robertson
Alex Robertson
Local Net Zero Project Manager
Alex delivers Regen's support of net zero at the local level, ensuring that place…
Hannah Stanley
Hannah Stanley
Stakeholder Manager
Hannah first joined Regen in 2017 quickly becoming the events manager and leading the…
Fraser Stewart
Fraser Stewart
Just Transition Lead
Fraser is driving work on energy justice and just transitions at Regen. From a…
Prina Sumaria
Prina Sumaria
Net Zero Project Manager
Prina specialises in local energy and just transition issues. She leads Regen's work supporting…
Patti S
Patti S
Senior Energy Analyst
Patti is one of Regen's senior energy analysts, working to deliver high quality data…
Alex Temple
Alex Temple
Electricity Storage Network Graduate
Alex works on the Electricity Storage Network, the industry group and voice for grid-scale…
Joel Venn
Joel Venn
Head Analyst
As head analyst, Joel is responsible for leading and developing Regen’s analytical team, as…
Felicity Vivian
Felicity Vivian
Local Net Zero Coordinator
Felicity provides support for the Thriving Places Programme an exciting two-year programme in which…
Charlotte Wason
Charlotte Wason
Graduate Energy Analyst
Charlotte is a Graduate Energy Analyst, having previously spent time as a summer intern…
Sophie Whinney
Sophie Whinney
Senior Energy Analyst
Sophie has a masters in Engineering Design from the University of Bristol, where she…
Hazel Williams
Hazel Williams
Associate Director
Hazel is responsible for Regen’s project delivery, leading on resourcing, quality assurance and developing…
Rebecca Windemer
Rebecca Windemer
Planning and Communities Lead
Rebecca leads our work on planning and communities at Regen. She holds a PhD…

The energy transition requires an evolution of the energy system, the markets and actors that underpin it, and the behaviour of its consumers. The future of our energy system amounts to the product of how national policy materialises as regional and local outcomes.

Since 2015, Regen has been looking extensively at potential future energy pathways at a regional and local level, through pioneering and delivering Distribution Future Energy Scenarios (DFES) assessments for electricity and gas distribution networks. The DFES approach provides high granularity scenario forecasts focused on individual geographic licence areas, projecting the trajectories of energy generation (low carbon and fossil fuel), demand and storage technologies which are expected to connect to or disconnect from the GB distribution networks, out to 2050.

Through delivering these assessments, Regen has gained insight into the regional trends of the current fuel mix of our energy supply, the constantly evolving pipeline of established, new and emerging low-carbon technologies s at both a regional and neighborhood level.

The Regional Energy Scenarios Insight Series will therefore look to highlight some of the key findings, trends and potential outcomes we are seeing across the UK, including the development of marine energy generation, the scale of the solar and battery storage pipelines, a street-level view of the uptake of EV charging and the future regional potential for bioenergy.

Take a look at the insight blog and podcast below and watch this space for more.

Regional Energy Scenarios Insight Series

Eleventh-hour opportunity as tidal energy gets £20m reserve allocation in latest CfD round

Blog by Grace Millman, energy analyst


Tidal energy is one of the most reliable and predictable sources of renewable energy. Taken together with wave energy and floating wind, tidal energy offers the UK the opportunity to diversify its generation of renewable power both geographically and technologically, helping build system resilience. In this blog, Grace Millman, lead analyst on Regen’s 2021 Distribution Future Energy Scenarios for Western Power Distribution, examines the ebbs and flows of tidal energy over the last few years, as well as the future of tidal energy in light of the latest government announcement that tidal stream would be awarded a £20m ring-fenced minima within AR4.

Read the blog


The UK energy storage pipeline

Podcast by Ray Arrell, head of technical development and Bruce Bardsley, energy analyst

Screenshot (226) In this episode of Regen’s Transforming Energy podcast, Ray Arrell, head of technical development, and Bruce Bardsley, energy analyst, take an in-depth look at the UK energy storage pipeline.

This podcast was produced as part of the Electricity Storage Network (ESN) Annual Marketplace – find out more about the event here. If you’re not yet a member of the ESN, find out more about our work and how you can get involved here.

Listen on Spotify

Listen on Apple Podcasts

People on this project

Ray Arrell
Ray Arrell
Associate Director
Ray is part of the Regen leadership team, overseeing our work and strategic goals…
Gareth Miller
Gareth Miller
Gareth has over two decades of director-level experience across infrastructure project finance, energy policy,…
Bruce Bardsley
Bruce Bardsley
Bruce is an Associate of Regen. He has assisted the data analytics team in…
Tamar Bourne
Tamar Bourne
Head of innovation
Tamar is the head of innovation at Regen. She strives to be at the…
Ellie Brundrett
Ellie Brundrett
Net Zero Project Manager
Since joining Regen in 2021, Ellie has been responsible for delivering some of our…
Jo Butlin
Jo Butlin
Non-Executive Director
Jo brings deep market knowledge and Board experience to support strategic and operational development…
Christine Chapter
Christine Chapter
Head of Delivery
Christine is Regen's Head of Delivery. She was previously at National Grid Electricity Transmission…
Robbie Evans
Robbie Evans
Energy Analyst
Robbie is an energy analyst at Regen. He has worked across several areas within…
Becky Fowell
Becky Fowell
Project Manager
As a project manager, Becky works with data, visualisation tools and continuous stakeholder engagement…
Olly Frankland
Olly Frankland
Electricity Storage Network Lead
Olly leads the Electricity Storage Network, the industry group and voice for grid-scale electricity…
Maxine Frerk
Maxine Frerk
Maxine has a strong regulatory background after 15 years in Ofgem including as Senior…
Simon Gill
Simon Gill
Simon is a Regen associate, providing a wealth of experience to support our analytical…
Johnny Gowdy
Johnny Gowdy
Johnny is a director of Regen and leads the development of our advisory projects,…
Rachel Hayes
Rachel Hayes
Associate Director
Rachel leads Regen’s strategic partnerships and impact, ensuring we are plugged into key networks…
Jonty Haynes
Jonty Haynes
Principal Analyst
Jonty is a Principal Analyst at Regen delivering a range of technical support services,…
Frank Hodgson
Frank Hodgson
Senior Energy Analyst
Frank joined Regen in 2022 as a Senior Energy Analyst and co-leads Regen's transport…
Merlin Hyman
Merlin Hyman
Chief Executive
Merlin leads Regen’s mission to accelerate the transition to a zero-carbon energy system. Under…
Tamsyn Lonsdale-Smith
Tamsyn Lonsdale-Smith
Senior Energy Analyst
Tamsyn is a senior energy analyst interested in all things people and digital. She…
Poppy Maltby
Poppy Maltby
Head of Local Energy
Poppy is Head of Local Energy at Regen. She is leading our work to…
George Middlemiss
George Middlemiss
Local Energy Analyst
George is a local energy analyst who plays a key role in supporting Regen’s…
Grace Millman
Grace Millman
Senior Energy Analyst
Grace is a senior energy analyst at Regen delivering high quality research, analysis and…
Meagan Reasoner
Meagan Reasoner
Energy Analyst
Meagan is a energy analyst who joined the Regen team in September of 2022…
Fraser Stewart
Fraser Stewart
Just Transition Lead
Fraser is driving work on energy justice and just transitions at Regen. From a…
Prina Sumaria
Prina Sumaria
Net Zero Project Manager
Prina specialises in local energy and just transition issues. She leads Regen's work supporting…
Patti S
Patti S
Senior Energy Analyst
Patti is one of Regen's senior energy analysts, working to deliver high quality data…
Alex Temple
Alex Temple
Electricity Storage Network Graduate
Alex works on the Electricity Storage Network, the industry group and voice for grid-scale…
Joel Venn
Joel Venn
Head Analyst
As head analyst, Joel is responsible for leading and developing Regen’s analytical team, as…
Charlotte Wason
Charlotte Wason
Graduate Energy Analyst
Charlotte is a Graduate Energy Analyst, having previously spent time as a summer intern…
Sophie Whinney
Sophie Whinney
Senior Energy Analyst
Sophie has a masters in Engineering Design from the University of Bristol, where she…
Hazel Williams
Hazel Williams
Associate Director
Hazel is responsible for Regen’s project delivery, leading on resourcing, quality assurance and developing…

Project duration: August 2021 – March 2022

Project lead: Ray Arrell – Head of Technical Development

As part of Scottish and Southern Electricity Networks (SSEN)’s future forecasting, network analysis and investment planning processes, Regen has been working with the SSEN team to deliver a number of Distribution Network Future Energy Scenario (DFES) assessments for the electricity distribution networks in the North of Scotland and Southern Central England licence areas.

The annual DFES assessments use National Grid ESO’s Future Energy Scenarios as the overarching framework, but develop a set of bottom-up, local evidence led projections which reflect the unique characteristics and development activity of SSEN’s network regions. The scenario projections model the potential increase of key electricity generation, storage and demand capacity that has connected, or will connect, to SSEN’s network in the period out to 2050.

The DFES process essentially helps SSEN to understand:

  • What technologies will connect/disconnect from their network out to 2050
  • How much installed capacity of each technology will connect
  • When this capacity will come online and begin supplying/consuming electricity
  • And where across SSEN’s licence areas these technologies will likely connect

SSEN uses the outputs of the DFES to determine the potential impacts on the distribution network, to provide an evidence base to support future network reinforcement and investment planning, and to identify opportunities for the use of non-network solutions such as storage and flexibility services. For key low carbon technologies, a more detailed, granular, analysis is completed as part of the DFES assessment, producing ‘below street level’ future scenario projections for electric vehicles (EVs), EV chargers, heat pumps, rooftop solar and – for the first time this year – domestic battery storage.

Across October Regen delivered a series of interactive engagement webinars outlining the overall thinking and approach to DFES analysis. The team used interactive software online polling platform – Mentimeter – to gauge views on the uptake of new or disruptive future energy technologies, testing some of the assumptions used in the DFES modelling and to explore some of the regional characteristics for the North of Scotland and Southern England regions that may align with, or diverge away from, national trends. You can view the recordings, download the presentation slides (with polling results) and the event briefing document below:

The results of the 2021 DFES analysis were published on 7 March 2022. You can download the licence area reports here:

SSEN Distribution Future Energy Scenarios 2021 Reports

To find out more about Regen’s DFES methodology – please contact Ray Arrell (

People on this project

Ray Arrell
Ray Arrell
Associate Director
Ray is part of the Regen leadership team, overseeing our work and strategic goals…
Gareth Miller
Gareth Miller
Gareth has over two decades of director-level experience across infrastructure project finance, energy policy,…
Bruce Bardsley
Bruce Bardsley
Bruce is an Associate of Regen. He has assisted the data analytics team in…
Johnny Gowdy
Johnny Gowdy
Johnny is a director of Regen and leads the development of our advisory projects,…
Jonty Haynes
Jonty Haynes
Principal Analyst
Jonty is a Principal Analyst at Regen delivering a range of technical support services,…
Tamsyn Lonsdale-Smith
Tamsyn Lonsdale-Smith
Senior Energy Analyst
Tamsyn is a senior energy analyst interested in all things people and digital. She…
Poppy Maltby
Poppy Maltby
Head of Local Energy
Poppy is Head of Local Energy at Regen. She is leading our work to…
Grace Millman
Grace Millman
Senior Energy Analyst
Grace is a senior energy analyst at Regen delivering high quality research, analysis and…
Meagan Reasoner
Meagan Reasoner
Energy Analyst
Meagan is a energy analyst who joined the Regen team in September of 2022…
Patti S
Patti S
Senior Energy Analyst
Patti is one of Regen's senior energy analysts, working to deliver high quality data…
Joel Venn
Joel Venn
Head Analyst
As head analyst, Joel is responsible for leading and developing Regen’s analytical team, as…
Sophie Whinney
Sophie Whinney
Senior Energy Analyst
Sophie has a masters in Engineering Design from the University of Bristol, where she…
Hazel Williams
Hazel Williams
Associate Director
Hazel is responsible for Regen’s project delivery, leading on resourcing, quality assurance and developing…

Project duration: May 2021 to July 2021

As part of this years distribution future energy scenarios we are hosting four webinars for local stakeholders in Western Power Distribution’s (WPD) licence areas to directly influence the models and assumptions that are made during the future energy analysis. The sessions will provide the opportunity to ask questions, answer some of ours, and learn how to access and use the data once published.

The sessions will be as follows, click through to book your place:

Project summary
To support WPD’s strategic network investment planning, Regen has been commissioned to undertake an analysis of various ‘future energy scenarios’ for the four WPD licence areas – the South West, South Wales, East Midlands, and West Midlands. The project builds on previous years of analysis looking at the uptake and deployment of renewable and fossil fuel power generation, energy storage, low carbon heat, electric vehicles and hydrogen electrolysis, as well as analysing planned new housing and commercial developments. The analysis of different net zero scenarios, informed by detailed contextual factors and local stakeholder feedback, will help WPD to plan strategically and invest appropriately in the electricity network.

Towards net zero
This analysis takes the annual National Grid ‘Future Energy Scenarios’ and assesses the deployment of the various technologies at a granular level for each licence area, as well as looking at the specific local factors such as local plans, renewable resources, agricultural land, socio-economic factors and public transport provision. Each local and regional area in Great Britain has unique characteristics and resources, therefore each will have their own levels of deployment of renewable and low carbon technologies as the UK aims to achieve net zero carbon emissions by 2050.


Big WPD Little Regen

You can view the project in full here. If you are interested in finding out more about our wider future energy scenarios work and this project, please contact Jonty Haynes or any of the analyst team

People on this project

Ray Arrell
Ray Arrell
Associate Director
Ray is part of the Regen leadership team, overseeing our work and strategic goals…
Gareth Miller
Gareth Miller
Gareth has over two decades of director-level experience across infrastructure project finance, energy policy,…
Bruce Bardsley
Bruce Bardsley
Bruce is an Associate of Regen. He has assisted the data analytics team in…
Tamar Bourne
Tamar Bourne
Head of innovation
Tamar is the head of innovation at Regen. She strives to be at the…
Ellie Brundrett
Ellie Brundrett
Net Zero Project Manager
Since joining Regen in 2021, Ellie has been responsible for delivering some of our…
Jo Butlin
Jo Butlin
Non-Executive Director
Jo brings deep market knowledge and Board experience to support strategic and operational development…
Christine Chapter
Christine Chapter
Head of Delivery
Christine is Regen's Head of Delivery. She was previously at National Grid Electricity Transmission…
Robbie Evans
Robbie Evans
Energy Analyst
Robbie is an energy analyst at Regen. He has worked across several areas within…
Becky Fowell
Becky Fowell
Project Manager
As a project manager, Becky works with data, visualisation tools and continuous stakeholder engagement…
Olly Frankland
Olly Frankland
Electricity Storage Network Lead
Olly leads the Electricity Storage Network, the industry group and voice for grid-scale electricity…
Maxine Frerk
Maxine Frerk
Maxine has a strong regulatory background after 15 years in Ofgem including as Senior…
Simon Gill
Simon Gill
Simon is a Regen associate, providing a wealth of experience to support our analytical…
Johnny Gowdy
Johnny Gowdy
Johnny is a director of Regen and leads the development of our advisory projects,…
Rachel Hayes
Rachel Hayes
Associate Director
Rachel leads Regen’s strategic partnerships and impact, ensuring we are plugged into key networks…
Jonty Haynes
Jonty Haynes
Principal Analyst
Jonty is a Principal Analyst at Regen delivering a range of technical support services,…
Frank Hodgson
Frank Hodgson
Senior Energy Analyst
Frank joined Regen in 2022 as a Senior Energy Analyst and co-leads Regen's transport…
Merlin Hyman
Merlin Hyman
Chief Executive
Merlin leads Regen’s mission to accelerate the transition to a zero-carbon energy system. Under…
Tamsyn Lonsdale-Smith
Tamsyn Lonsdale-Smith
Senior Energy Analyst
Tamsyn is a senior energy analyst interested in all things people and digital. She…
Poppy Maltby
Poppy Maltby
Head of Local Energy
Poppy is Head of Local Energy at Regen. She is leading our work to…
George Middlemiss
George Middlemiss
Local Energy Analyst
George is a local energy analyst who plays a key role in supporting Regen’s…
Grace Millman
Grace Millman
Senior Energy Analyst
Grace is a senior energy analyst at Regen delivering high quality research, analysis and…
Meagan Reasoner
Meagan Reasoner
Energy Analyst
Meagan is a energy analyst who joined the Regen team in September of 2022…
Fraser Stewart
Fraser Stewart
Just Transition Lead
Fraser is driving work on energy justice and just transitions at Regen. From a…
Prina Sumaria
Prina Sumaria
Net Zero Project Manager
Prina specialises in local energy and just transition issues. She leads Regen's work supporting…
Patti S
Patti S
Senior Energy Analyst
Patti is one of Regen's senior energy analysts, working to deliver high quality data…
Alex Temple
Alex Temple
Electricity Storage Network Graduate
Alex works on the Electricity Storage Network, the industry group and voice for grid-scale…
Joel Venn
Joel Venn
Head Analyst
As head analyst, Joel is responsible for leading and developing Regen’s analytical team, as…
Charlotte Wason
Charlotte Wason
Graduate Energy Analyst
Charlotte is a Graduate Energy Analyst, having previously spent time as a summer intern…
Sophie Whinney
Sophie Whinney
Senior Energy Analyst
Sophie has a masters in Engineering Design from the University of Bristol, where she…
Hazel Williams
Hazel Williams
Associate Director
Hazel is responsible for Regen’s project delivery, leading on resourcing, quality assurance and developing…

Project duration: January 2021 – March 2021

Project lead: Jonty Haynes, senior analyst

Regen has worked alongside SSEN to undertake a high level scenario analysis of the impact of energy efficiency measures in SSEN’s Southern England and North of Scotland licence areas, expanding on the recently released 2020 edition of SSEN’s Distribution Future Energy Scenarios.

National scenarios, such as those produced by National Grid ESO and the Climate Change Committee (CCC), have a strong narrative around energy efficiency and its impact across all forms of energy consumption. There is a need to understand how these potential outcomes may look at a regional and local level, which this study aims to address. The analysis approach was necessarily high level, focusing on the impact of energy efficiency in terms of a demand reduction factor for the five major demand sources: domestic heat, domestic lighting and appliances, non-domestic heat, non-domestic lighting and appliances and industrial processes.

Headline results – very ambitious targets between 2025 and 2035

In the scenarios that achieve the UK and Scotland’s net zero targets, the majority of energy efficiency improvements were projected to occur by the early 2030s, particularly within the non-domestic sector, facilitating low carbon fuel switching and smart, flexible electricity consumption in the later 2030s and 2040s. The concentration of energy efficiency gains within a relatively short timeframe reflects the current slow uptake (also the focus on fuel poverty which tends enable latent demand), followed by a rapid sprint from 2025 to 2035 in order to meet the governments targets, and the 5th and 6th carbon budgets.

There is uncertainty over the level of demand reduction that can be achieved through energy efficiency, which is reflected in the range of scenario outcomes. The impact of energy efficiency was modelled using existing and proposed policies, current trends and abatement measures identified as commercially feasible. By 2035, the impact of energy efficiency on the current baseload electricity demand ranges from 7% to 29%, depending on the scenario.

Early demand reduction in the scenarios is driven by the non-domestic sector, with the expectation that private and public sector energy efficiency measures will be complete by the early 2030s in the net zero scenarios, as per the CCC’s Sixth Carbon Budget. Domestic heat demand, in contrast, has historically proved more difficult to reduce through energy efficiency measures, and rollout occurs mainly in the later 2020s and 2030s. Across the scenarios, the impact of energy efficiency on non-domestic energy demand by 2030 was projected to be on average 50% higher than the impact on domestic heat demand.

Local impacts and variation

The analysis was undertaken at the level of Electricity Supply Areas (ESAs), broadly primary substations. It showed that, while many aspects of energy efficiency are driven by national policy and trends, the local demand impact can vary significantly depending on the domestic, commercial and industrial building stock and demand sources present in each area.

In the Consumer Transformation scenario, in which the UK meets its energy efficiency targets such as those defined in the Clean Growth Strategy, the impact of energy efficiency on current electricity baseload reduction varied between 10% to 28% in 2035 between ESAs.

Across all scenarios, the energy efficiency reduction factor (%) on current baseload was less in city and town centres, which typically contain high proportions of office and retail buildings and better insulated dwellings, particularly flats and tenements. Conversely, rural and industry-dominated areas showed higher energy efficiency reduction factor potential, owing to typically less well insulated building stock and the higher potential for industrial buildings and processes to reduce energy demand, compared to office and retail premises. However, due to the concentration of electricity demand in urban areas, the absolute level of demand reduction is greater within urban and city areas, alongside locations with high levels of industrial demand.

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The energy efficiency analysis was completed in March 2021, see our joint press release with SSEN here. It was an extension to the full Distribution Future Energy Scenarios completed for both SSEN licence areas launched in January 2021, see here.

The two licence area reports are available to view and download from our publications page here.


If you are interested in finding out more about this project with SSEN or our wider work in future energy scenarios, please contact Jonty Haynes.


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