Project duration: January 2021 – March 2021

Project lead: Jonty Haynes, senior analyst

Regen has worked alongside SSEN to undertake a high level scenario analysis of the impact of energy efficiency measures in SSEN’s Southern England and North of Scotland licence areas, expanding on the recently released 2020 edition of SSEN’s Distribution Future Energy Scenarios.

National scenarios, such as those produced by National Grid ESO and the Climate Change Committee (CCC), have a strong narrative around energy efficiency and its impact across all forms of energy consumption. There is a need to understand how these potential outcomes may look at a regional and local level, which this study aims to address. The analysis approach was necessarily high level, focusing on the impact of energy efficiency in terms of a demand reduction factor for the five major demand sources: domestic heat, domestic lighting and appliances, non-domestic heat, non-domestic lighting and appliances and industrial processes.

Headline results – very ambitious targets between 2025 and 2035

In the scenarios that achieve the UK and Scotland’s net zero targets, the majority of energy efficiency improvements were projected to occur by the early 2030s, particularly within the non-domestic sector, facilitating low carbon fuel switching and smart, flexible electricity consumption in the later 2030s and 2040s. The concentration of energy efficiency gains within a relatively short timeframe reflects the current slow uptake (also the focus on fuel poverty which tends enable latent demand), followed by a rapid sprint from 2025 to 2035 in order to meet the governments targets, and the 5th and 6th carbon budgets.

There is uncertainty over the level of demand reduction that can be achieved through energy efficiency, which is reflected in the range of scenario outcomes. The impact of energy efficiency was modelled using existing and proposed policies, current trends and abatement measures identified as commercially feasible. By 2035, the impact of energy efficiency on the current baseload electricity demand ranges from 7% to 29%, depending on the scenario.

Early demand reduction in the scenarios is driven by the non-domestic sector, with the expectation that private and public sector energy efficiency measures will be complete by the early 2030s in the net zero scenarios, as per the CCC’s Sixth Carbon Budget. Domestic heat demand, in contrast, has historically proved more difficult to reduce through energy efficiency measures, and rollout occurs mainly in the later 2020s and 2030s. Across the scenarios, the impact of energy efficiency on non-domestic energy demand by 2030 was projected to be on average 50% higher than the impact on domestic heat demand.

Local impacts and variation

The analysis was undertaken at the level of Electricity Supply Areas (ESAs), broadly primary substations. It showed that, while many aspects of energy efficiency are driven by national policy and trends, the local demand impact can vary significantly depending on the domestic, commercial and industrial building stock and demand sources present in each area.

In the Consumer Transformation scenario, in which the UK meets its energy efficiency targets such as those defined in the Clean Growth Strategy, the impact of energy efficiency on current electricity baseload reduction varied between 10% to 28% in 2035 between ESAs.

Across all scenarios, the energy efficiency reduction factor (%) on current baseload was less in city and town centres, which typically contain high proportions of office and retail buildings and better insulated dwellings, particularly flats and tenements. Conversely, rural and industry-dominated areas showed higher energy efficiency reduction factor potential, owing to typically less well insulated building stock and the higher potential for industrial buildings and processes to reduce energy demand, compared to office and retail premises. However, due to the concentration of electricity demand in urban areas, the absolute level of demand reduction is greater within urban and city areas, alongside locations with high levels of industrial demand.

1         2

The energy efficiency analysis was completed in March 2021, see our joint press release with SSEN here. It was an extension to the full Distribution Future Energy Scenarios completed for both SSEN licence areas launched in January 2021, see here.

The two licence area reports are available to view and download from our publications page here.


If you are interested in finding out more about this project with SSEN or our wider work in future energy scenarios, please contact Jonty Haynes.


People on this project

Ray Arrell
Ray Arrell
Associate director
Ray is part of the Regen leadership team, overseeing our work and strategic goals…
Gareth Miller
Gareth Miller
Gareth has over two decades of director-level experience across infrastructure project finance, energy policy,…
Bruce Bardsley
Bruce Bardsley
Bruce is an Associate of Regen. He has assisted the data analytics team in…
Tamar Bourne
Tamar Bourne
Head of innovation
Tamar is the head of innovation at Regen. She strives to be at the…
Andrew Brand
Andrew Brand
Graduate energy analyst
Andrew is interested in the complexities of energy systems and how they can be…
Ellie Brundrett
Ellie Brundrett
Net zero project manager
Since joining Regen in 2021, Ellie has been responsible for delivering some of our…
Jo Butlin
Jo Butlin
Non-Executive Director
Jo brings deep market knowledge and Board experience to support strategic and operational development…
Christine Chapter
Christine Chapter
Head of delivery
Christine is Regen's Head of Delivery. She was previously at National Grid Electricity Transmission…
Robbie Evans
Robbie Evans
Energy analyst
Robbie is an energy analyst at Regen. Robbie primarily works in the community energy…
Becky Fowell
Becky Fowell
Project manager
As a project manager, Becky works with data, visualisation tools and continuous stakeholder engagement…
Olly Frankland
Olly Frankland
Electricity Storage Network lead
Olly leads the Electricity Storage Network, the industry group and voice for grid-scale electricity…
Maxine Frerk
Maxine Frerk
Maxine has a strong regulatory background after 15 years in Ofgem including as Senior…
Simon Gill
Simon Gill
Simon is a Regen associate, providing a wealth of experience to support our analytical…
Johnny Gowdy
Johnny Gowdy
Johnny is a director of Regen and leads the development of our advisory projects,…
Rachel Hayes
Rachel Hayes
Associate director
Rachel leads Regen’s strategic partnerships and impact, ensuring we are plugged into key networks…
Jonty Haynes
Jonty Haynes
Principal analyst
Jonty is a Principal Analyst at Regen delivering a range of technical support services,…
Holly Hoban
Holly Hoban
Graduate energy analyst
Holly supports analysts on a variety of projects and developing new expertise across Regen’s…
Frank Hodgson
Frank Hodgson
Senior energy analyst
Frank leads analytical projects at Regen, focusing on breaking down the barriers to electrification. Frank…
Merlin Hyman
Merlin Hyman
Chief executive
Merlin leads Regen’s mission to accelerate the transition to a zero-carbon energy system. Under…
Tamsyn Lonsdale-Smith
Tamsyn Lonsdale-Smith
Senior energy analyst
Tamsyn is a senior energy analyst interested in all things people and digital. She…
Poppy Maltby
Poppy Maltby
Head of local energy
Poppy is Head of Local Energy at Regen. She is leading our work to…
George Middlemiss
George Middlemiss
Local energy analyst
George is a local energy analyst who plays a key role in supporting Regen’s…
Grace Millman
Grace Millman
Senior energy analyst
Grace is a senior energy analyst at Regen who delivers high-quality research, analysis, and…
Meagan Reasoner
Meagan Reasoner
Energy analyst
Meagan is a energy analyst who joined the Regen team in September of 2022…
Fraser Stewart
Fraser Stewart
Just transition lead
Fraser is driving work on energy justice and just transitions at Regen. From a…
Prina Sumaria
Prina Sumaria
Net zero project manager
Prina specialises in local energy and just transition issues. She leads Regen's work supporting…
Patti S
Patti S
Senior energy analyst
Patti is one of Regen's senior energy analysts, working to deliver high quality data…
Alex Temple
Alex Temple
Policy analyst
Alex works on the Electricity Storage Network, the industry group and voice for grid-scale…
Joel Venn
Joel Venn
Head analyst
As head analyst, Joel is responsible for leading and developing Regen’s analytical team, as…
Charlotte Wason
Charlotte Wason
Graduate energy analyst
Charlotte is a Graduate Energy Analyst, having previously spent time as a summer intern…
Sophie Whinney
Sophie Whinney
Senior energy analyst
Sophie has a masters in Engineering Design from the University of Bristol, where she…
Hazel Williams
Hazel Williams
Associate director
Hazel is responsible for Regen’s project delivery, leading on resourcing, quality assurance and developing…

Project duration: July 2020 – December 2020

Project lead: Ray Arrell, Head of Technical Development

Regen worked alongside Scottish and Southern Electricity Networks (SSEN) to undertake the 2020 edition of their Distribution Future Energy Scenarios (DFES) analysis for both the North of Scotland (SHEPD) and Southern England (SEPD) distribution network licence areas. As part of this project, Regen also refreshed the more granular Low Carbon Technology (LCT) study that Regen developed with SSEN towards the end of 2019, producing scenario projections for EVs, electricity fuelled heating technologies and domestic rooftop solar PV capacity to secondary substation and feeder level – the equivalent of street-level forecasts.

The DFES process provides SSEN with detailed scenario projections for the increase (or reduction) in the connected capacity of energy generation, storage, and disruptive demand technologies connecting to SSEN’s distribution network out to 2050. The analysis also includes projections for new housing and the increase in commercial and industrial developments.

This work forms part of SSEN’s network planning and investment appraisal process, with Regen’s DFES projection datasets and accompanying written reports allowing network planners and forecasting teams to model and analyse different future load scenarios on SSEN’s network. The DFES has also supported SSEN to develop an evidence base and input into SSEN’s business plan submission for the upcoming RIIO-ED2 price control period, with the SSEN team engaging local councils with scenario data for their specific local authority area.

Engagement with regional and local stakeholders is a core feature of DFES analysis. Regen teamed up with SSEN and the Energy Systems Catapult to deliver a series of interactive webinars across August and September, looking at the local area energy plans and future energy scenarios in both licence areas. A summary of these events and the Mentimeter slides (including results of some online polling conducted on the day) are available on our website, see: North of Scotland webinar (25 Aug) and Southern England webinars (3 & 8 Sep). Regen and SSEN also held a workshop with representatives from Scottish Government in November, seeking to reflect the energy and decarbonisation policy ambitions for North Scotland (including the recently published Climate Change Plan Update) in the North of Scotland licence area analysis.

The project also initiated a data and information exchange with all of the local authorities that sit within each of SSEN’s licence areas. This process enabled Regen and SSEN to understand the location and trajectories for the development of new housing and commercial developments, as well understanding the impacts of local energy strategies, initiatives, decarbonisation targets and climate change declarations, at a local level.

For both licence areas, the results showed a significant evolution of the electricity generation capacity connecting and operating on the distribution network out to 2050. The analysis also highlighted a significant increase in the capacity of commercial and domestic battery storage, as well as some 5 million electric vehicles and 2.5 million heat pumps connecting by 2050 in some scenarios.

SHEPD Map Full

SEPD Map Full

The analysis for the DFES and LCT completed in December 2020 and was launched in mid January 2021, see our joint press release with SSEN here.

The two licence area reports are available to view and download from our publications page here.


If you are interested in finding out more about this project with SSEN or our wider work in future energy scenarios, please contact Ray Arrell.

People on this project

Ray Arrell
Ray Arrell
Associate director
Ray is part of the Regen leadership team, overseeing our work and strategic goals…
Gareth Miller
Gareth Miller
Gareth has over two decades of director-level experience across infrastructure project finance, energy policy,…
Bruce Bardsley
Bruce Bardsley
Bruce is an Associate of Regen. He has assisted the data analytics team in…
Tamar Bourne
Tamar Bourne
Head of innovation
Tamar is the head of innovation at Regen. She strives to be at the…
Andrew Brand
Andrew Brand
Graduate energy analyst
Andrew is interested in the complexities of energy systems and how they can be…
Ellie Brundrett
Ellie Brundrett
Net zero project manager
Since joining Regen in 2021, Ellie has been responsible for delivering some of our…
Jo Butlin
Jo Butlin
Non-Executive Director
Jo brings deep market knowledge and Board experience to support strategic and operational development…
Christine Chapter
Christine Chapter
Head of delivery
Christine is Regen's Head of Delivery. She was previously at National Grid Electricity Transmission…
Robbie Evans
Robbie Evans
Energy analyst
Robbie is an energy analyst at Regen. Robbie primarily works in the community energy…
Becky Fowell
Becky Fowell
Project manager
As a project manager, Becky works with data, visualisation tools and continuous stakeholder engagement…
Olly Frankland
Olly Frankland
Electricity Storage Network lead
Olly leads the Electricity Storage Network, the industry group and voice for grid-scale electricity…
Maxine Frerk
Maxine Frerk
Maxine has a strong regulatory background after 15 years in Ofgem including as Senior…
Simon Gill
Simon Gill
Simon is a Regen associate, providing a wealth of experience to support our analytical…
Johnny Gowdy
Johnny Gowdy
Johnny is a director of Regen and leads the development of our advisory projects,…
Rachel Hayes
Rachel Hayes
Associate director
Rachel leads Regen’s strategic partnerships and impact, ensuring we are plugged into key networks…
Jonty Haynes
Jonty Haynes
Principal analyst
Jonty is a Principal Analyst at Regen delivering a range of technical support services,…
Holly Hoban
Holly Hoban
Graduate energy analyst
Holly supports analysts on a variety of projects and developing new expertise across Regen’s…
Frank Hodgson
Frank Hodgson
Senior energy analyst
Frank leads analytical projects at Regen, focusing on breaking down the barriers to electrification. Frank…
Merlin Hyman
Merlin Hyman
Chief executive
Merlin leads Regen’s mission to accelerate the transition to a zero-carbon energy system. Under…
Tamsyn Lonsdale-Smith
Tamsyn Lonsdale-Smith
Senior energy analyst
Tamsyn is a senior energy analyst interested in all things people and digital. She…
Poppy Maltby
Poppy Maltby
Head of local energy
Poppy is Head of Local Energy at Regen. She is leading our work to…
George Middlemiss
George Middlemiss
Local energy analyst
George is a local energy analyst who plays a key role in supporting Regen’s…
Grace Millman
Grace Millman
Senior energy analyst
Grace is a senior energy analyst at Regen who delivers high-quality research, analysis, and…
Meagan Reasoner
Meagan Reasoner
Energy analyst
Meagan is a energy analyst who joined the Regen team in September of 2022…
Fraser Stewart
Fraser Stewart
Just transition lead
Fraser is driving work on energy justice and just transitions at Regen. From a…
Prina Sumaria
Prina Sumaria
Net zero project manager
Prina specialises in local energy and just transition issues. She leads Regen's work supporting…
Patti S
Patti S
Senior energy analyst
Patti is one of Regen's senior energy analysts, working to deliver high quality data…
Alex Temple
Alex Temple
Policy analyst
Alex works on the Electricity Storage Network, the industry group and voice for grid-scale…
Joel Venn
Joel Venn
Head analyst
As head analyst, Joel is responsible for leading and developing Regen’s analytical team, as…
Charlotte Wason
Charlotte Wason
Graduate energy analyst
Charlotte is a Graduate Energy Analyst, having previously spent time as a summer intern…
Sophie Whinney
Sophie Whinney
Senior energy analyst
Sophie has a masters in Engineering Design from the University of Bristol, where she…
Hazel Williams
Hazel Williams
Associate director
Hazel is responsible for Regen’s project delivery, leading on resourcing, quality assurance and developing…

Project duration: February 2020 to October 2020

In May 2020, Western Power Distribution and Regen ran a series of consultation webinars on the Distribution Future Energy Scenarios (DFES) in each of the four Western Power Distribution licence areas.

Regen and WPD discussed the local factors influencing the development of electric vehicles, wind and solar farms, energy storage and low-carbon heat with over 200 stakeholders. These form an integral part of the WPD 2020 DFES project, which looks at the uptake and deployment of renewable and fossil fuel power generation, energy storage, low-carbon heat, and electric vehicles, as well as analysing planned housing developments. To read about the project in full click here.

A key part of this project is engagement and consultation with local stakeholders, from local government to developers, installers, and community energy groups. Feedback from these webinars will directly influence the models and assumptions that are made during this analysis, the results of which will be finalised in the autumn of 2020. Please see the attached document for information on the webinar agenda and briefing.

A preview of the West Midlands licence area stakeholder engagement report is shown below, the reports cover who attended the events, the results of the live questions, and a summary of how we are incorporating direct stakeholder feedback in the modelling for WPD DFES 2020.


Thanks to all those who attended.

Screengrab From East Midlands Webinar of panelists talking


Big WPD Little Regen


You can view the project in full here. If you are interested in finding out more about our wider future energy scenarios work and this project, please contact Frankie Mayo or any of the analyst team at Regen.


People on this project

Ray Arrell
Ray Arrell
Associate director
Ray is part of the Regen leadership team, overseeing our work and strategic goals…
Gareth Miller
Gareth Miller
Gareth has over two decades of director-level experience across infrastructure project finance, energy policy,…
Bruce Bardsley
Bruce Bardsley
Bruce is an Associate of Regen. He has assisted the data analytics team in…
Tamar Bourne
Tamar Bourne
Head of innovation
Tamar is the head of innovation at Regen. She strives to be at the…
Andrew Brand
Andrew Brand
Graduate energy analyst
Andrew is interested in the complexities of energy systems and how they can be…
Ellie Brundrett
Ellie Brundrett
Net zero project manager
Since joining Regen in 2021, Ellie has been responsible for delivering some of our…
Jo Butlin
Jo Butlin
Non-Executive Director
Jo brings deep market knowledge and Board experience to support strategic and operational development…
Christine Chapter
Christine Chapter
Head of delivery
Christine is Regen's Head of Delivery. She was previously at National Grid Electricity Transmission…
Robbie Evans
Robbie Evans
Energy analyst
Robbie is an energy analyst at Regen. Robbie primarily works in the community energy…
Becky Fowell
Becky Fowell
Project manager
As a project manager, Becky works with data, visualisation tools and continuous stakeholder engagement…
Olly Frankland
Olly Frankland
Electricity Storage Network lead
Olly leads the Electricity Storage Network, the industry group and voice for grid-scale electricity…
Maxine Frerk
Maxine Frerk
Maxine has a strong regulatory background after 15 years in Ofgem including as Senior…
Simon Gill
Simon Gill
Simon is a Regen associate, providing a wealth of experience to support our analytical…
Johnny Gowdy
Johnny Gowdy
Johnny is a director of Regen and leads the development of our advisory projects,…
Rachel Hayes
Rachel Hayes
Associate director
Rachel leads Regen’s strategic partnerships and impact, ensuring we are plugged into key networks…
Jonty Haynes
Jonty Haynes
Principal analyst
Jonty is a Principal Analyst at Regen delivering a range of technical support services,…
Holly Hoban
Holly Hoban
Graduate energy analyst
Holly supports analysts on a variety of projects and developing new expertise across Regen’s…
Frank Hodgson
Frank Hodgson
Senior energy analyst
Frank leads analytical projects at Regen, focusing on breaking down the barriers to electrification. Frank…
Merlin Hyman
Merlin Hyman
Chief executive
Merlin leads Regen’s mission to accelerate the transition to a zero-carbon energy system. Under…
Tamsyn Lonsdale-Smith
Tamsyn Lonsdale-Smith
Senior energy analyst
Tamsyn is a senior energy analyst interested in all things people and digital. She…
Poppy Maltby
Poppy Maltby
Head of local energy
Poppy is Head of Local Energy at Regen. She is leading our work to…
George Middlemiss
George Middlemiss
Local energy analyst
George is a local energy analyst who plays a key role in supporting Regen’s…
Grace Millman
Grace Millman
Senior energy analyst
Grace is a senior energy analyst at Regen who delivers high-quality research, analysis, and…
Meagan Reasoner
Meagan Reasoner
Energy analyst
Meagan is a energy analyst who joined the Regen team in September of 2022…
Fraser Stewart
Fraser Stewart
Just transition lead
Fraser is driving work on energy justice and just transitions at Regen. From a…
Prina Sumaria
Prina Sumaria
Net zero project manager
Prina specialises in local energy and just transition issues. She leads Regen's work supporting…
Patti S
Patti S
Senior energy analyst
Patti is one of Regen's senior energy analysts, working to deliver high quality data…
Alex Temple
Alex Temple
Policy analyst
Alex works on the Electricity Storage Network, the industry group and voice for grid-scale…
Joel Venn
Joel Venn
Head analyst
As head analyst, Joel is responsible for leading and developing Regen’s analytical team, as…
Charlotte Wason
Charlotte Wason
Graduate energy analyst
Charlotte is a Graduate Energy Analyst, having previously spent time as a summer intern…
Sophie Whinney
Sophie Whinney
Senior energy analyst
Sophie has a masters in Engineering Design from the University of Bristol, where she…
Hazel Williams
Hazel Williams
Associate director
Hazel is responsible for Regen’s project delivery, leading on resourcing, quality assurance and developing…

Project duration: January 2020 to June 2020

The Net Zero South Wales 2050 innovation project has been undertaken as a partnership between Regen, Western Power Distribution (WPD) and Wales and West Utilities with funding from the Network Innovation Allowance programme.

This innovation project was about bringing two networks together, developing insights and value from an integrated approach to gas and electricity scenario planning and exploring an increasingly flexible and cross-vector system. It is clear that as a result of net zero the different energy vectors (power, heat and transport) will need to become more integrated, co-dependent and joined-up in their operation and long-term planning.

Regen has been working since 2015 on a Distribution Future Energy Scenarios (DFES) methodology that creates bottom-up, stakeholder led, locally relevant decarbonisation pathways for licence areas and regions. See

The main objective of the project was to develop a new methodology for conducting cross-vector scenario forecasting at a regional level, merging two pre-existing studies for gas and electricity, and to provide insights into how South Wales might transition to a net zero future under three net zero scenario pathways: High Electrification, Core Hydrogen and High Hydrogen along with a hybrid heat sensitivity.


The outputs from the report included a dataset, a companion report and a learning report which also contained recommendations for further study.  Please contact WPD and WWU directly for access to the datasets.

Some key insights and learnings are outlined below:

Imperative of agreeing local pathways for heat decarbonisation

Carbon emissions from heat decline at different times in the different scenarios and there is a significant range in the scenarios around how electricity or hydrogen might be used for heat.

Although it is valuable to understand this range, for investment in networks and decarbonisation more certainty is needed.

This certainty is likely to come from both a clear national heat strategy coupled with local decision making. Any process would need to be thorough, transparent, and consultative, involving both gas and electricity networks. The sooner these decisions about heat pathways are made the better, for carbon and cost, for networks, people, and the whole energy system.

The different densities of Air Source Heat Pumps in South Wales by 2050 in the Core Hydrogen scenario

Understanding how demand and generation behaviour might shift

The analysis also looked a simulated day in 2035 and 2050 to understand how the pathways might impact daily typical demand. This found that by 2050, winter day electricity demand doubles in High Electrification, though High Hydrogen has highest total energy demand across both networks.

However in conducting the simulated seasonal day modelling, we established that applying generic profiles developed in 2019 are likely not reflective of the way dispatchable or flexible sources of distributed demand and supply will operate and interact with the network in 2035 or 2050. We recommend that more work is needed to understand and model what these shifts could look like.

Interaction between distribution and transmission in net zero

The project focused on distribution level however we found that although there was increasing level of distributed supply in both gas and electricity, a significant role remained for the transmission system. For example distributed hydrogen production via electrolysis is likely to meet only a proportion of hydrogen demand. Further supply will require a strategy for large-scale hydrogen production, storage and transmission in South Wales.

Similarly electricity demand and supply variance increases in both summer and winter, in all scenarios which highlighted that both local and national balancing is likely to be increasingly important.

View the project reports online hereWPD WWU South Wales OA Map No Key

To find out more about this project, contact Poppy Maltby at and you can also watch the webinar about the project on the events page here.


People on this project

Ray Arrell
Ray Arrell
Associate director
Ray is part of the Regen leadership team, overseeing our work and strategic goals…
Gareth Miller
Gareth Miller
Gareth has over two decades of director-level experience across infrastructure project finance, energy policy,…
Bruce Bardsley
Bruce Bardsley
Bruce is an Associate of Regen. He has assisted the data analytics team in…
Tamar Bourne
Tamar Bourne
Head of innovation
Tamar is the head of innovation at Regen. She strives to be at the…
Andrew Brand
Andrew Brand
Graduate energy analyst
Andrew is interested in the complexities of energy systems and how they can be…
Ellie Brundrett
Ellie Brundrett
Net zero project manager
Since joining Regen in 2021, Ellie has been responsible for delivering some of our…
Jo Butlin
Jo Butlin
Non-Executive Director
Jo brings deep market knowledge and Board experience to support strategic and operational development…
Christine Chapter
Christine Chapter
Head of delivery
Christine is Regen's Head of Delivery. She was previously at National Grid Electricity Transmission…
Robbie Evans
Robbie Evans
Energy analyst
Robbie is an energy analyst at Regen. Robbie primarily works in the community energy…
Becky Fowell
Becky Fowell
Project manager
As a project manager, Becky works with data, visualisation tools and continuous stakeholder engagement…
Olly Frankland
Olly Frankland
Electricity Storage Network lead
Olly leads the Electricity Storage Network, the industry group and voice for grid-scale electricity…
Maxine Frerk
Maxine Frerk
Maxine has a strong regulatory background after 15 years in Ofgem including as Senior…
Simon Gill
Simon Gill
Simon is a Regen associate, providing a wealth of experience to support our analytical…
Johnny Gowdy
Johnny Gowdy
Johnny is a director of Regen and leads the development of our advisory projects,…
Rachel Hayes
Rachel Hayes
Associate director
Rachel leads Regen’s strategic partnerships and impact, ensuring we are plugged into key networks…
Jonty Haynes
Jonty Haynes
Principal analyst
Jonty is a Principal Analyst at Regen delivering a range of technical support services,…
Holly Hoban
Holly Hoban
Graduate energy analyst
Holly supports analysts on a variety of projects and developing new expertise across Regen’s…
Frank Hodgson
Frank Hodgson
Senior energy analyst
Frank leads analytical projects at Regen, focusing on breaking down the barriers to electrification. Frank…
Merlin Hyman
Merlin Hyman
Chief executive
Merlin leads Regen’s mission to accelerate the transition to a zero-carbon energy system. Under…
Tamsyn Lonsdale-Smith
Tamsyn Lonsdale-Smith
Senior energy analyst
Tamsyn is a senior energy analyst interested in all things people and digital. She…
Poppy Maltby
Poppy Maltby
Head of local energy
Poppy is Head of Local Energy at Regen. She is leading our work to…
George Middlemiss
George Middlemiss
Local energy analyst
George is a local energy analyst who plays a key role in supporting Regen’s…
Grace Millman
Grace Millman
Senior energy analyst
Grace is a senior energy analyst at Regen who delivers high-quality research, analysis, and…
Meagan Reasoner
Meagan Reasoner
Energy analyst
Meagan is a energy analyst who joined the Regen team in September of 2022…
Fraser Stewart
Fraser Stewart
Just transition lead
Fraser is driving work on energy justice and just transitions at Regen. From a…
Prina Sumaria
Prina Sumaria
Net zero project manager
Prina specialises in local energy and just transition issues. She leads Regen's work supporting…
Patti S
Patti S
Senior energy analyst
Patti is one of Regen's senior energy analysts, working to deliver high quality data…
Alex Temple
Alex Temple
Policy analyst
Alex works on the Electricity Storage Network, the industry group and voice for grid-scale…
Joel Venn
Joel Venn
Head analyst
As head analyst, Joel is responsible for leading and developing Regen’s analytical team, as…
Charlotte Wason
Charlotte Wason
Graduate energy analyst
Charlotte is a Graduate Energy Analyst, having previously spent time as a summer intern…
Sophie Whinney
Sophie Whinney
Senior energy analyst
Sophie has a masters in Engineering Design from the University of Bristol, where she…
Hazel Williams
Hazel Williams
Associate director
Hazel is responsible for Regen’s project delivery, leading on resourcing, quality assurance and developing…

Project duration: 2019 – June 2020

Since 2015, Regen has pioneered the Distributed Future Energy Scenarios (DFES) approach to assisting network strategy and planning. Regen has worked with a number of DNOs, including SSEN, to develop detailed local scenario analysis for the future development of distributed energy. The growth potential of network connected energy assets has been examined, including electricity generation technologies, storage and disruptive demand technologies, down to primary and secondary substation areas.

However, for low voltage network investment planning and risk mitigation strategies a more granular forecast is required. To better understand the potential impacts to distribution networks, detailed forecasts of annual Low Carbon Technology (LCT) uptake are required – including EV chargers, heat pumps and rooftop PV. Regen has, therefore, been working with SSEN to produce scenario-based projections of LCT installations to a feeder substation level. The results support SSEN in its ambition to improve its understanding of the impact of electric vehicles and other low carbon technologies on its network.

Estimating the number of these technologies that will connect at a street by street or feeder substation level – of which there are over 520,000 in SSEN’s licence areas – has required high granularity GIS analysis. We have been analysing these technologies in both the domestic and non-domestic setting, resulting in the analysis of nine different electric vehicle charger archetypes. These archetypes include, for example, both on and off-street chargers in a domestic setting and national and local en-route chargers.

In order to analyse a range of future projections, analysis was undertaken for five unique scenarios. These included the four scenarios in National Grid’s 2019 Future Energy Scenarios study: Two Degrees, Community Renewables, Consumer Evolution and Steady Progression. Since the analysis and work behind National Grid’s 2019 study was undertaken, the UK’s climate, energy and transport policy landscape has shifted, with the UK Parliament declaring a climate emergency on 1 May, a 2050 net zero emissions target being passed into law on 27 June, and a ban on new petrol, diesel and hybrid cars being brought forward to 2035. As a result, a fifth scenario was modelled: titled Net Zero.

EV Projections SSEN

The bespoke Net Zero scenario includes faster take up of electric vehicles in the near-term, and lower total vehicle numbers/miles. It is a scaled-up version of National Grid’s  Two Degrees and Community Renewables scenarios, and incorporates the CCC’s recommendations for ‘further ambition’ in their Net Zero technical report, with an estimated 2028 date for when all new cars are electric, 3 years earlier than the FES. In addition, a CCC further ambition recommendation is for a 10% reduction in overall car mileage.

A wide variety of datasets were used to analyse specific regional and local demographic attributes, geographical characteristics and local resources. Knowing the number of different assets that are connected to a feeder substation is classified as a ‘scale factor’, information which must then be qualified with an ‘uptake factor’. For example, if a feeder substation has n number of homes connected to it, how many of those homes have off-street parking and so are suitable to host an off-street EV charger? The graphic below illustrates interim results of the spatial distribution of off-street EV charging.

Off Street Charger Density Map 4 01

The final report for the project “High granularity projections for low carbon technology uptake – electric vehicle, heat pumps and solar PV” was launched on 22 June 2020 and can be found here.

SSEN will be hosting a webinar to present the methodology and key learnings from the work on 13 July, you can find out more and book your place online here.

To find out more about this project, contact Joel Venn at


People on this project

Ray Arrell
Ray Arrell
Associate director
Ray is part of the Regen leadership team, overseeing our work and strategic goals…
Gareth Miller
Gareth Miller
Gareth has over two decades of director-level experience across infrastructure project finance, energy policy,…
Bruce Bardsley
Bruce Bardsley
Bruce is an Associate of Regen. He has assisted the data analytics team in…
Johnny Gowdy
Johnny Gowdy
Johnny is a director of Regen and leads the development of our advisory projects,…
Jonty Haynes
Jonty Haynes
Principal analyst
Jonty is a Principal Analyst at Regen delivering a range of technical support services,…
Tamsyn Lonsdale-Smith
Tamsyn Lonsdale-Smith
Senior energy analyst
Tamsyn is a senior energy analyst interested in all things people and digital. She…
Poppy Maltby
Poppy Maltby
Head of local energy
Poppy is Head of Local Energy at Regen. She is leading our work to…
Grace Millman
Grace Millman
Senior energy analyst
Grace is a senior energy analyst at Regen who delivers high-quality research, analysis, and…
Meagan Reasoner
Meagan Reasoner
Energy analyst
Meagan is a energy analyst who joined the Regen team in September of 2022…
Patti S
Patti S
Senior energy analyst
Patti is one of Regen's senior energy analysts, working to deliver high quality data…
Joel Venn
Joel Venn
Head analyst
As head analyst, Joel is responsible for leading and developing Regen’s analytical team, as…
Sophie Whinney
Sophie Whinney
Senior energy analyst
Sophie has a masters in Engineering Design from the University of Bristol, where she…
Hazel Williams
Hazel Williams
Associate director
Hazel is responsible for Regen’s project delivery, leading on resourcing, quality assurance and developing…

Project duration:

OpenDSR is a government funded project looking to demonstrate a concept for domestic demand side response (DSR) and support the development of a business model for the Energy Community Aggregator Service (ECAS), a community owned DSR aggregator and energy service provider.

The OpenDSR project aims to reduce cost and barriers to domestic participation in demand side response (DSR), achieving this through:

  • Interoperability – enabling devices, assets and appliances to communicate with each other and external control systems
  • Open standards – using a minimum standards-based approach to using DSR products
  • Open source – using freely available, standardised base software for controlling and recording DSR calls, dispatches and transactions/payments
  • Off the shelf hardware – enabling existing control hardware products/components that meet electrical safety and other industry standards from the outset

The project is funded by the Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy (BEIS) Innovative Domestic DSR Competition – Phase 2. Regen is a project partner alongside Carbon Co-op, Megni OpenEnergyMonitor, Great Places and EV Parts.

The project will test and demonstrate the potential for multiple household energy loads to be controlled remotely to reduce demand at particular times, for example at times of peak electricity demand on either the local electricity network or the national electricity grid. Smart electric vehicle (EV) chargers will be installed in 60 Carbon Co-op members’ homes, and immersion heaters, solar panels and solar diverters will be installed in 40 social households belonging to Great Places in Manchester. Carbon Co-op will aggregate this portfolio of domestic distributed energy resources (DERs) and have an agreement with that householder to be able to:

  • optimise when electricity is used to save the householder money if they are on a time-of-use tariff (TOUT)
  • directly control household assets and electric vehicle (EV) charging equipment, to participate in existing and upcoming flexibility markets, sending signals to a Home Energy Management System (HEMS), which the householder can override if they don’t want to participate.

The project builds on the ECAS and OpenDSR Phase 1 feasibility studies.

Energy Communities Aggregator Service (ECAS) – Local Flexibility Markets (2018)

OpenDSR Phase 1 Feasibility Report

Electric Car Smile Edit 02

To find out more about Open DSR or community energy more generally, contact Ky Hoare at

We run regular engagement events for communities that you can view here and we have a special rate for community energy organisations who would like to be members of Regen which can be found here. 


People on this project

Ray Arrell
Ray Arrell
Associate director
Ray is part of the Regen leadership team, overseeing our work and strategic goals…
Mollie Atherton
Mollie Atherton
Local authorities project manager
Mollie leads Regen’s work with local authorities and is committed to accelerating change at…
Gareth Miller
Gareth Miller
Gareth has over two decades of director-level experience across infrastructure project finance, energy policy,…
Bruce Bardsley
Bruce Bardsley
Bruce is an Associate of Regen. He has assisted the data analytics team in…
Robbie Evans
Robbie Evans
Energy analyst
Robbie is an energy analyst at Regen. Robbie primarily works in the community energy…
Rebecca Ford
Rebecca Ford
Rebecca was formerly Head of Demand and Flexibility at Regen and now contributes to…
Olly Frankland
Olly Frankland
Electricity Storage Network lead
Olly leads the Electricity Storage Network, the industry group and voice for grid-scale electricity…
Johnny Gowdy
Johnny Gowdy
Johnny is a director of Regen and leads the development of our advisory projects,…
Rachel Hayes
Rachel Hayes
Associate director
Rachel leads Regen’s strategic partnerships and impact, ensuring we are plugged into key networks…
Jonty Haynes
Jonty Haynes
Principal analyst
Jonty is a Principal Analyst at Regen delivering a range of technical support services,…
Jessica Hogan
Jessica Hogan
Energy analyst
Jessica joined Regen as an Energy Analyst in April 2024. Her research specialises in…
Tamsyn Lonsdale-Smith
Tamsyn Lonsdale-Smith
Senior energy analyst
Tamsyn is a senior energy analyst interested in all things people and digital. She…
Poppy Maltby
Poppy Maltby
Head of local energy
Poppy is Head of Local Energy at Regen. She is leading our work to…
George Middlemiss
George Middlemiss
Local energy analyst
George is a local energy analyst who plays a key role in supporting Regen’s…
Grace Millman
Grace Millman
Senior energy analyst
Grace is a senior energy analyst at Regen who delivers high-quality research, analysis, and…
Meagan Reasoner
Meagan Reasoner
Energy analyst
Meagan is a energy analyst who joined the Regen team in September of 2022…
Shona R
Shona R
Energy analyst
Shona is an energy analyst who joined Regen in September 2022 after completing her…
Alex Robertson
Alex Robertson
Local net zero project manager
Alex delivers Regen's support of net zero at the local level, ensuring that place…
Hannah Stanley
Hannah Stanley
Stakeholder manager
Hannah first joined Regen in 2017 quickly becoming the events manager and leading the…
Fraser Stewart
Fraser Stewart
Just transition lead
Fraser is driving work on energy justice and just transitions at Regen. From a…
Prina Sumaria
Prina Sumaria
Net zero project manager
Prina specialises in local energy and just transition issues. She leads Regen's work supporting…
Patti S
Patti S
Senior energy analyst
Patti is one of Regen's senior energy analysts, working to deliver high quality data…
Alex Temple
Alex Temple
Policy analyst
Alex works on the Electricity Storage Network, the industry group and voice for grid-scale…
Joel Venn
Joel Venn
Head analyst
As head analyst, Joel is responsible for leading and developing Regen’s analytical team, as…
Felicity Vivian
Felicity Vivian
Local net zero coordinator
Felicity provides support for the Thriving Places Programme an exciting two-year programme in which…
Sophie Whinney
Sophie Whinney
Senior energy analyst
Sophie has a masters in Engineering Design from the University of Bristol, where she…
Hazel Williams
Hazel Williams
Associate director
Hazel is responsible for Regen’s project delivery, leading on resourcing, quality assurance and developing…
Rebecca Windemer
Rebecca Windemer
Planning and communities lead
Rebecca leads our work on planning at Regen. She holds a PhD in environmental…

Project duration: July 2017 to September 2019

Regen’s whole-system thinking is seeking to understand how both the electricity and gas networks will evolve, in a decentralised and decarbonised UK energy system. Building on the growth scenarios work Regen has undertaken for WPD and other DNOs, Wales and West Utilities (WWU) commissioned Regen to develop a methodology to create regional growth scenarios to support long term demand and investment planning for the gas network.


The development of this methodology used common assumptions and approaches that Regen developed for electricity network scenarios, but also developed an approach that was bespoke for sources of demand and supply connected to gas distribution networks. The scenarios focus on the evolution of heat demand, delivery technologies and fuels, the growth of gas fired power generation and the changing gas supply mix, including the introduction of hydrogen and injection of biomethane.

WWU used the outputs of this assessment of their network, to inform their business plan submission to Ofgem in 2019.

WWU Business Plan DFES

Figure 1: Progression of WWU’s Net Zero Vision, based on Regen’s DFES analysis. (Credit & Source WWU RIIO-GD2 business plan, December 2019, WWU website)

The outputs of the project are available to download below:

Phase 1: Inception and scope report (Final)

Download the publication

By submitting your email you agree to receive our monthly Market Insight Report newsletter.

Phase 2: South West regional results report

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Phase 3: Wales regional results report

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Technical companion document

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Wales And West (cropped)




To find out more about this project, or our scenarios work more generally, contact Ray Arrell at


People on this project

Ray Arrell
Ray Arrell
Associate director
Ray is part of the Regen leadership team, overseeing our work and strategic goals…
Gareth Miller
Gareth Miller
Gareth has over two decades of director-level experience across infrastructure project finance, energy policy,…
Bruce Bardsley
Bruce Bardsley
Bruce is an Associate of Regen. He has assisted the data analytics team in…
Tamar Bourne
Tamar Bourne
Head of innovation
Tamar is the head of innovation at Regen. She strives to be at the…
Andrew Brand
Andrew Brand
Graduate energy analyst
Andrew is interested in the complexities of energy systems and how they can be…
Ellie Brundrett
Ellie Brundrett
Net zero project manager
Since joining Regen in 2021, Ellie has been responsible for delivering some of our…
Jo Butlin
Jo Butlin
Non-Executive Director
Jo brings deep market knowledge and Board experience to support strategic and operational development…
Christine Chapter
Christine Chapter
Head of delivery
Christine is Regen's Head of Delivery. She was previously at National Grid Electricity Transmission…
Tim Crook
Tim Crook
Senior project manager
Tim is a mechanical engineer with a broad range of experience in onshore heat…
Robbie Evans
Robbie Evans
Energy analyst
Robbie is an energy analyst at Regen. Robbie primarily works in the community energy…
Becky Fowell
Becky Fowell
Project manager
As a project manager, Becky works with data, visualisation tools and continuous stakeholder engagement…
Olly Frankland
Olly Frankland
Electricity Storage Network lead
Olly leads the Electricity Storage Network, the industry group and voice for grid-scale electricity…
Maxine Frerk
Maxine Frerk
Maxine has a strong regulatory background after 15 years in Ofgem including as Senior…
Simon Gill
Simon Gill
Simon is a Regen associate, providing a wealth of experience to support our analytical…
Johnny Gowdy
Johnny Gowdy
Johnny is a director of Regen and leads the development of our advisory projects,…
Rachel Hayes
Rachel Hayes
Associate director
Rachel leads Regen’s strategic partnerships and impact, ensuring we are plugged into key networks…
Jonty Haynes
Jonty Haynes
Principal analyst
Jonty is a Principal Analyst at Regen delivering a range of technical support services,…
Holly Hoban
Holly Hoban
Graduate energy analyst
Holly supports analysts on a variety of projects and developing new expertise across Regen’s…
Frank Hodgson
Frank Hodgson
Senior energy analyst
Frank leads analytical projects at Regen, focusing on breaking down the barriers to electrification. Frank…
Ian Hutchcroft
Ian Hutchcroft
Ian is a strategic Programme Director and senior Sustainability Consultant with over 25 years’…
Merlin Hyman
Merlin Hyman
Chief executive
Merlin leads Regen’s mission to accelerate the transition to a zero-carbon energy system. Under…
Tamsyn Lonsdale-Smith
Tamsyn Lonsdale-Smith
Senior energy analyst
Tamsyn is a senior energy analyst interested in all things people and digital. She…
Poppy Maltby
Poppy Maltby
Head of local energy
Poppy is Head of Local Energy at Regen. She is leading our work to…
George Middlemiss
George Middlemiss
Local energy analyst
George is a local energy analyst who plays a key role in supporting Regen’s…
Grace Millman
Grace Millman
Senior energy analyst
Grace is a senior energy analyst at Regen who delivers high-quality research, analysis, and…
Meagan Reasoner
Meagan Reasoner
Energy analyst
Meagan is a energy analyst who joined the Regen team in September of 2022…
Alex Robertson
Alex Robertson
Local net zero project manager
Alex delivers Regen's support of net zero at the local level, ensuring that place…
Fraser Stewart
Fraser Stewart
Just transition lead
Fraser is driving work on energy justice and just transitions at Regen. From a…
Prina Sumaria
Prina Sumaria
Net zero project manager
Prina specialises in local energy and just transition issues. She leads Regen's work supporting…
Patti S
Patti S
Senior energy analyst
Patti is one of Regen's senior energy analysts, working to deliver high quality data…
Alex Temple
Alex Temple
Policy analyst
Alex works on the Electricity Storage Network, the industry group and voice for grid-scale…
Joel Venn
Joel Venn
Head analyst
As head analyst, Joel is responsible for leading and developing Regen’s analytical team, as…
Charlotte Wason
Charlotte Wason
Graduate energy analyst
Charlotte is a Graduate Energy Analyst, having previously spent time as a summer intern…
Sophie Whinney
Sophie Whinney
Senior energy analyst
Sophie has a masters in Engineering Design from the University of Bristol, where she…
Hazel Williams
Hazel Williams
Associate director
Hazel is responsible for Regen’s project delivery, leading on resourcing, quality assurance and developing…

As part of our distribution future energy scenarios (DFES) work, Regen have created Future Electricity Scenarios for Scottish and Southern Electricity Networks (SSEN).

With 3.6 GW of distributed generation (of which 2.5 GW is renewable) already connected to their southern licence area, SSEN need to understand potential changes to demand on their network from the rapid changes in our electricity system.

In order to plan their networks and assess where they need to invest, all DNOs are now looking at scenarios for how demands on their networks may change at a local level. Regen is supporting this vital forward planning and has carried out DFES for all four Western Power Distribution licence areas, and UK Power Networks.

The approach of these studies is to look in detail at the local area, taking account of factors such as the energy resources, projects already in the pipeline and local planning policies. In SSEN’s southern  licence area ground-mounted solar has been the dominant decentralised generation technology.

Figure 3-3: Ground-mounted solar PV technically unconstrained areas for future projects. 

Solar Resource Map (DO NOT USE)

The analysis is the first step in a process for SSEN, who are using the data to identify areas of future potential network stress. They will then be using that information to understand how constraints might be best managed or alleviated over time to support more local generation, along with increasing electrification of heat and transport.

Using the framework of National Grid’s Future Energy Scenarios (FES) 2018, the report presents a range of possible futures for the SSEN Southern licence areas electricity system up to 2032.

The four scenarios start from Community Renewables, a highly decentralised system that is on track to achieve the 80% reduction in carbon by 2050. This scenario quadruples rooftop solar installation and has around 20% of homes with heat pumps by 2032.

At the other end of the spectrum, a centralised slow growth system Steady Progression, sees continuing of the hiatus in decarbonisation along with increasing levels of air conditioning.

Figure 3-6: Total generation connections by 2032 in Community Renewables.

Top 5 Generation Map 05

Key areas within the study include an assessment of electric vehicle growth and associated capacities and types of chargers in the region. In the highest scenarios, the area could see around 2 million EVs by 2032.


The study also includes a detailed analysis of planned strategic sites for new domestic and commercial developments to help SSEN understand where the planned 280,000 new homes might be built and what impact they may have.

The findings of the work are spelled out in a public report and SSEN are making the data available to stakeholders such as local authorities and LEPs.

The project was launched by Scottish and Southern Networks (SSEN) at a webinar on 15 February 2019.

To find out more about our Scenarios work, contact Joel Venn at


People on this project

Ray Arrell
Ray Arrell
Associate director
Ray is part of the Regen leadership team, overseeing our work and strategic goals…
Gareth Miller
Gareth Miller
Gareth has over two decades of director-level experience across infrastructure project finance, energy policy,…
Bruce Bardsley
Bruce Bardsley
Bruce is an Associate of Regen. He has assisted the data analytics team in…
Tamar Bourne
Tamar Bourne
Head of innovation
Tamar is the head of innovation at Regen. She strives to be at the…
Andrew Brand
Andrew Brand
Graduate energy analyst
Andrew is interested in the complexities of energy systems and how they can be…
Ellie Brundrett
Ellie Brundrett
Net zero project manager
Since joining Regen in 2021, Ellie has been responsible for delivering some of our…
Jo Butlin
Jo Butlin
Non-Executive Director
Jo brings deep market knowledge and Board experience to support strategic and operational development…
Christine Chapter
Christine Chapter
Head of delivery
Christine is Regen's Head of Delivery. She was previously at National Grid Electricity Transmission…
Robbie Evans
Robbie Evans
Energy analyst
Robbie is an energy analyst at Regen. Robbie primarily works in the community energy…
Becky Fowell
Becky Fowell
Project manager
As a project manager, Becky works with data, visualisation tools and continuous stakeholder engagement…
Olly Frankland
Olly Frankland
Electricity Storage Network lead
Olly leads the Electricity Storage Network, the industry group and voice for grid-scale electricity…
Maxine Frerk
Maxine Frerk
Maxine has a strong regulatory background after 15 years in Ofgem including as Senior…
Simon Gill
Simon Gill
Simon is a Regen associate, providing a wealth of experience to support our analytical…
Johnny Gowdy
Johnny Gowdy
Johnny is a director of Regen and leads the development of our advisory projects,…
Rachel Hayes
Rachel Hayes
Associate director
Rachel leads Regen’s strategic partnerships and impact, ensuring we are plugged into key networks…
Jonty Haynes
Jonty Haynes
Principal analyst
Jonty is a Principal Analyst at Regen delivering a range of technical support services,…
Holly Hoban
Holly Hoban
Graduate energy analyst
Holly supports analysts on a variety of projects and developing new expertise across Regen’s…
Frank Hodgson
Frank Hodgson
Senior energy analyst
Frank leads analytical projects at Regen, focusing on breaking down the barriers to electrification. Frank…
Merlin Hyman
Merlin Hyman
Chief executive
Merlin leads Regen’s mission to accelerate the transition to a zero-carbon energy system. Under…
Tamsyn Lonsdale-Smith
Tamsyn Lonsdale-Smith
Senior energy analyst
Tamsyn is a senior energy analyst interested in all things people and digital. She…
Poppy Maltby
Poppy Maltby
Head of local energy
Poppy is Head of Local Energy at Regen. She is leading our work to…
George Middlemiss
George Middlemiss
Local energy analyst
George is a local energy analyst who plays a key role in supporting Regen’s…
Grace Millman
Grace Millman
Senior energy analyst
Grace is a senior energy analyst at Regen who delivers high-quality research, analysis, and…
Meagan Reasoner
Meagan Reasoner
Energy analyst
Meagan is a energy analyst who joined the Regen team in September of 2022…
Fraser Stewart
Fraser Stewart
Just transition lead
Fraser is driving work on energy justice and just transitions at Regen. From a…
Prina Sumaria
Prina Sumaria
Net zero project manager
Prina specialises in local energy and just transition issues. She leads Regen's work supporting…
Patti S
Patti S
Senior energy analyst
Patti is one of Regen's senior energy analysts, working to deliver high quality data…
Alex Temple
Alex Temple
Policy analyst
Alex works on the Electricity Storage Network, the industry group and voice for grid-scale…
Joel Venn
Joel Venn
Head analyst
As head analyst, Joel is responsible for leading and developing Regen’s analytical team, as…
Charlotte Wason
Charlotte Wason
Graduate energy analyst
Charlotte is a Graduate Energy Analyst, having previously spent time as a summer intern…
Sophie Whinney
Sophie Whinney
Senior energy analyst
Sophie has a masters in Engineering Design from the University of Bristol, where she…
Hazel Williams
Hazel Williams
Associate director
Hazel is responsible for Regen’s project delivery, leading on resourcing, quality assurance and developing…

Project Duration: September 2017 to March 2018

IWA is an independent think tank working to develop practical ideas and strategies to improve the economy, education, environment and health in Wales.

IWA’s Re-Energising Wales project will provide a practical blueprint to enable Wales to meet its projected energy demands entirely from renewable sources by 2035, resulting in an 80 per cent reduction in energy-related greenhouse gas emissions.

Six separate work streams will come together to deliver the project. The aim is to create a plan which could be adopted by decision makers, to make Wales a net exporter of renewable energy.

Regen are completing work package 2 of the project, which aims to develop an energy portfolio/system case study for the Swansea Bay City Region to 2035. This whole energy system vision will maximise use of local renewable energy resource helping to enable the transition to a clean energy system in Wales.

The energy system model will consider:

  • the aim to generate the equivalent of 100 per cent of the region’s net annual electricity consumption
  • a target of 50g CO2e/kWh of electricity consumed in the region by 2035
  • the roll out of electric vehicles and decarbonisation of the transport network
  • the use of smart and flexible energy technology (including energy storage and demand side response)
  • the role of energy efficiency and the development of low carbon heat technology
  • continued decentralisation of energy assets through local and community ownership.

Policy recommendations will be developed from the modelling analysis to outline how the region can encourage decarbonisation and decentralisation of the energy system and also highlight current barriers to this vision.


Final report can be found here.

Further details on the entire Re-energising Wales project are available here.


Led by: Johnny Gowdy


People on this project

Ray Arrell
Ray Arrell
Associate director
Ray is part of the Regen leadership team, overseeing our work and strategic goals…
Gareth Miller
Gareth Miller
Gareth has over two decades of director-level experience across infrastructure project finance, energy policy,…
Bruce Bardsley
Bruce Bardsley
Bruce is an Associate of Regen. He has assisted the data analytics team in…
Tamar Bourne
Tamar Bourne
Head of innovation
Tamar is the head of innovation at Regen. She strives to be at the…
Andrew Brand
Andrew Brand
Graduate energy analyst
Andrew is interested in the complexities of energy systems and how they can be…
Ellie Brundrett
Ellie Brundrett
Net zero project manager
Since joining Regen in 2021, Ellie has been responsible for delivering some of our…
Jo Butlin
Jo Butlin
Non-Executive Director
Jo brings deep market knowledge and Board experience to support strategic and operational development…
Christine Chapter
Christine Chapter
Head of delivery
Christine is Regen's Head of Delivery. She was previously at National Grid Electricity Transmission…
Robbie Evans
Robbie Evans
Energy analyst
Robbie is an energy analyst at Regen. Robbie primarily works in the community energy…
Becky Fowell
Becky Fowell
Project manager
As a project manager, Becky works with data, visualisation tools and continuous stakeholder engagement…
Olly Frankland
Olly Frankland
Electricity Storage Network lead
Olly leads the Electricity Storage Network, the industry group and voice for grid-scale electricity…
Maxine Frerk
Maxine Frerk
Maxine has a strong regulatory background after 15 years in Ofgem including as Senior…
Simon Gill
Simon Gill
Simon is a Regen associate, providing a wealth of experience to support our analytical…
Johnny Gowdy
Johnny Gowdy
Johnny is a director of Regen and leads the development of our advisory projects,…
Rachel Hayes
Rachel Hayes
Associate director
Rachel leads Regen’s strategic partnerships and impact, ensuring we are plugged into key networks…
Jonty Haynes
Jonty Haynes
Principal analyst
Jonty is a Principal Analyst at Regen delivering a range of technical support services,…
Holly Hoban
Holly Hoban
Graduate energy analyst
Holly supports analysts on a variety of projects and developing new expertise across Regen’s…
Frank Hodgson
Frank Hodgson
Senior energy analyst
Frank leads analytical projects at Regen, focusing on breaking down the barriers to electrification. Frank…
Merlin Hyman
Merlin Hyman
Chief executive
Merlin leads Regen’s mission to accelerate the transition to a zero-carbon energy system. Under…
Tamsyn Lonsdale-Smith
Tamsyn Lonsdale-Smith
Senior energy analyst
Tamsyn is a senior energy analyst interested in all things people and digital. She…
Poppy Maltby
Poppy Maltby
Head of local energy
Poppy is Head of Local Energy at Regen. She is leading our work to…
George Middlemiss
George Middlemiss
Local energy analyst
George is a local energy analyst who plays a key role in supporting Regen’s…
Grace Millman
Grace Millman
Senior energy analyst
Grace is a senior energy analyst at Regen who delivers high-quality research, analysis, and…
Meagan Reasoner
Meagan Reasoner
Energy analyst
Meagan is a energy analyst who joined the Regen team in September of 2022…
Fraser Stewart
Fraser Stewart
Just transition lead
Fraser is driving work on energy justice and just transitions at Regen. From a…
Prina Sumaria
Prina Sumaria
Net zero project manager
Prina specialises in local energy and just transition issues. She leads Regen's work supporting…
Patti S
Patti S
Senior energy analyst
Patti is one of Regen's senior energy analysts, working to deliver high quality data…
Alex Temple
Alex Temple
Policy analyst
Alex works on the Electricity Storage Network, the industry group and voice for grid-scale…
Joel Venn
Joel Venn
Head analyst
As head analyst, Joel is responsible for leading and developing Regen’s analytical team, as…
Charlotte Wason
Charlotte Wason
Graduate energy analyst
Charlotte is a Graduate Energy Analyst, having previously spent time as a summer intern…
Sophie Whinney
Sophie Whinney
Senior energy analyst
Sophie has a masters in Engineering Design from the University of Bristol, where she…
Hazel Williams
Hazel Williams
Associate director
Hazel is responsible for Regen’s project delivery, leading on resourcing, quality assurance and developing…

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